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Ionic Rifle NG6

Ceterai edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 14 revisions

 Ionic Rifle NG6 is a legendary lvl.6 2-handed electric assault rifle.
Can be sold for 504 pixels.
A rifled enternia ion blaster, mostly used by alta dreamers and heavy units.
It was created as part of a Neiteru-1 project researching enternia and ways to utilize it to create combative power. Although the results were quite effective, this tool is not used by main security and defensive alta forces.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: I know that reworked replicas of these are used in poiball in some areas. Instead of discharging ions, they cover everything in poi. Neat.
Pickup Messages: (Expand 1 items)
  • You've just picked up an alta weapon, or an "energy tool", as they call it. According to my database, these usually have an extended set of features. I suggest reading its description.

Primary Ability

Ionic Blast: Fires multiple  Ionic Charges on activation. Firemodes: burst, semiauto.

Alt Ability

Tactical Ambush: Full set of tools to be ready. Press - change attachments: none, laser, flashlight, stabilizer (x1.25 dmg); Hold - launch an Electro-Cloud Nade.


Can be crafted:


Can be found as loot in:

Technical Information

Tags: alta assaultrifle electric ionic legendary ranged weapon
Level: 6
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_alta_ionic_rifle
File path (GitHub link): /items/active/weapons/ranged/alta/rifle/ct_alta_ionic_rifle.activeitem

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