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Chainafe Imploy UI Monorepo

Imploy UI monorepo


  • Node > 12
  • Yarn > 1

Mono Repo Structure πŸ—

The repository is broken up into 4 main packages, managed using yarn workspaces. You can find these in the packages directory. These packages are as follows:

1) packages/common-components

Various components (atoms/molecules) that are used in the development of UI's. This package forms the base of the UI providing composable components, form elements, icons, small scope elements.

2) packages/common-contexts

Various React Context API wrappers

3) packages/common-modules

Complex Modules such as Billing, Login modules, basically shared wide scope/opinionated components, that meet some cross-cutting business concern.

4) packages/common-themes

  • Theme context and other utilities for generating and using the theming capabilities

5) packages/files-ui

The UI for Chainsafe Files


You will need a Github Personal Access token with read:package permissions. This can be obtained here

You then need to add it as environment variable, depending on your OS and shell:

  • Edit ~/.bash_profile, or for zsh ~/.zshenv and add the following line export GITHUB_PACKAGES_AUTH_TOKEN="YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"
  • Restart your shell and make sure the new variable is loaded, echo $GITHUB_PACKAGES_AUTH_TOKEN should print it.
  • Run yarn at the root to install all project dependencies
  • Run yarn start:storybook to start the component storybook
  • Create a packages/files-ui/.env based on packages/files-ui/.env.example
  • Run yarn start:files-ui to start the development server.