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Noah-MP model release notes

Noah-MP version 5.0 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Modernization/refactoring:

    • Major re-structure/refactoring of the entire Noah-MP code with modern Fortran standards without physics changes.

LSM bug fixes

  • None

External modules capabilities/enhancements

  • None

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • Refactored driver to work with the modernized Noah-MP version 5.0

Driver bug fixes

  • None

Noah-MP version 4.5 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Urban modeling:

    • Update the local climate zone numbers
  • Canopy heat storage:

    • bring hard-coded tunable canopy heat capacity parameter to MPTABLE

LSM bug fixes

  • Several bug fixes in urban, runoff, canopy, crop processes

External modules capabilities/enhancements

  • None

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • None

Driver bug fixes

  • None

Noah-MP version 4.4 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Tile drainage:

    • Add new tile drainage physics and options
  • Snowpack process enhancement:

    • Improved snow viscosity to enhance snowpack compaction
  • Canopy heat storage:

    • add canopy heat storage in vegetation temperature calculation
  • Runoff scheme:

    • Updated formulation in runoff option =1 (TOPMODEL with groundwater)
  • Soil processes:

    • Add new capabilities to allow using a different soil timestep with main Noah-MP timestep using namelist control
  • Input/output:

    • Add new capabilities to output additional detailed Noah-MP water budget terms using namelist control

LSM bug fixes

  • Several bug fixes in inout variables, energy, water, and canopy processes

External modules capabilities/enhancements

  • None

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • None

Driver bug fixes

  • None

Noah-MP version 4.3 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Snow-related updates:

    • Add wet-bulb temperature snow-rain partitioning scheme (OPT_SNF=5) based on Wang et al. 2019 (NWM)
    • Add snow retention process at the snowpack bottom to improve streamflow modeling (NWM)
    • Modify wind-canopy absorption coefficient (CWPVT) parameter values in MPTABLE to be vegetation dependent based on Goudriaan1977
    • Bring hard-coded snow emissivity and parameter (2.5*z0) in snow cover formulation to tunable MPTABLE parameters
    • Update MFSNO in snow cover formulation with optimized vegetation-dependent values
    • Limit the bulk leaf boundary layer resistance (RB) to a more realistic range (5~50)
  • New irrigation scheme:

    • multiple irrigation methods: sprinkler, micro, and surface flooding
  • Crop scheme update:

    • separate the original generic crop physiology parameters in the modis vegetation section into C3/C4 specific parameters in the crop section
  • New urban physics working with Noah-MP:

    • Local climate zone (LCZ), solar panel, green roof, new building drag parameterization

LSM bug fixes

  • None

External modules capabilities/enhancements

  • None

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • None

Driver bug fixes

  • None

Noah-MP version 4.1 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Consolidate NWM changes into WRF version (#18)
    • add unpopulated header required by NOAA
    • add BATS parameters to data structure and output band snow albedo
    • update MPTABLE for BATS albedo parameters
    • add BATS albedo local variables to noahmpdrv
    • transfer new BATS table values to parameters data structure in noahmpdrv
    • add RSURF_EXP parameter to data structure and update MPTABLE
    • change snow water equivalent limit to 5000mm
    • assume LAI is stand LAI and doesn't need to be rescaled by FVEG
    • conserve snow pack heat when layer melts completely
    • change output messages and Fortran open/read unit numbers to WCOSS standard
    • include a few missed changes from WRF

LSM bug fixes

  • Define and declare a few variables in physics routines

  • Noah-MP bulk urban roughness length set to table values

External modules capabilities/enhancements

  • Air conditioning fraction for BEM model

  • Improve urban memory by allowing different dimensions for urban variables

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • None

Driver bug fixes

  • None

Noah-MP version 4.0.1 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • None

LSM bug fixes

  • Noah-MP frozen soil initialization- An incorrect sign change was introduced in v4.0, impacting soil moisture and soil temperature initialization.

  • Array out of bounds Noah-MP - Fix possible/likely array out of bounds by assuming homogeneous soil with depth.Only applies to opt_run=2.

  • Noah-MP snow liquid water movement - prevent excessive gravitational water movement. Fixes unrealistic snow density values during melt season.

  • Noah-MP divide by zero - Bug fix in v4.0 introduced a possible divide by zero when LAI is zero.

  • Noah-MP leaf aerodynamic resistance - limit leaf aerodynamic resistance to prevent very large canopy exchange coefficients with high wind speed.

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • Add new single point driver based on Bondville data

Driver bug fixes

  • Missing quotation mark in spatial_filename check print statement

Noah-MP version 4.0 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Add pedotransfer function option for soil propertis

    • add optional read for soil composition and multi-layer soil texture from setup/input file
    • activated with opt_soil and opt_pedo
    • update MPTABLE.TBL with pedotransfer function coefficients
  • Add Gecros crop model

    • activated with opt_crop=2 (Liu et al. crop now opt_crop=1)
    • some modifications for crop initialization
  • Groundwater module (opt_run=5) updates

    • move init to driver for parallel capability
    • remove rivermask/nonriver from input
  • EPA modifications to output total stomatal resistance

LSM bug fixes

  • None

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • Change some predefined defaults in user_build_options.compiler files based on some Cheyenne tests

  • Add ISLAKE to the preprocessing and driver to accommodate WRF files that define a distinct lake category

Driver bug fixes

  • Change PGSXY and CROPCAT to be initialized undefined_int

Noah-MP version 3.9 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Crop modifications in v3.9 to read in crop datasets and initialize properly

  • Modifications in v3.9 to read in groundwater datasets

  • Noah-MP can now run with single-layer and multi-layer urban models

LSM bug fixes

  • Several fixes in Section 1 of SOILPARM.TBL

  • Fix strange Noah-MP behavior in soil water in certain conditions

  • Fix uninitialized variable in Noah-MP surface exchange option

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • Add capability to include snow in forcing files

    • Snow is assumed to be <= incoming precipitation
  • Add capability to define name of forcing variables in namelist.hrldas

  • Add spinup option to namelist

    • controlled by spinup_loops in namelist.hrldas
    • will run kday/khour spinup_loops times before starting the simulation
  • Add capability to exclude the first output file since this file contains only initial states

    • and no computed fluxes
    • activated by namelist.hrldas option: SKIP_FIRST_OUTPUT = .true.
  • Added README.namelist to describe all the namelist.hrldas options

Driver bug fixes

  • None

Noah-MP version 3.8.1 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • None

LSM bug fixes

  • Change C3C4 in MPTABLE to integer

  • Set some limits on stability function for OPT_SFC = 2

  • Change limit for minimum wood pool in dynamic vegetation

  • Fix bug in QSFC calculation

  • Prevent divide by zero when soil moisture is zero

  • Fix a few bugs in the crop code; make DVEG = 10 activate crop model

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • Added configure script for generating user_build_options file

Driver bug fixes

  • None

Noah-MP version 3.8 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Added 3 new dveg option for reading LAI from forcing and 1 new dveg option for reading FVEG;

    • Also added initial commit of crop model; currently runs crop everywhere
    • dveg = 6 -> dynamic vegetation on (use FVEG = SHDFAC from input)
    • dveg = 7 -> dynamic vegetation off (use input LAI; use FVEG = SHDFAC from input)
    • dveg = 8 -> dynamic vegetation off (use input LAI; calculate FVEG)
    • dveg = 9 -> dynamic vegetation off (use input LAI; use maximum vegetation fraction)
    • dveg = 10 -> crop model on (use maximum vegetation fraction)
  • Added glacier options:

    • opt_gla = 1 -> original Noah-MP version
    • opt_gla = 2 -> no ice phase change or sublimation (like Noah glacier)
  • Added surface resistance as an option (now four options)

    • opt_sfc = 1 -> Sakaguchi and Zeng, 2009 (has been Noah-MP default)
    • opt_sfc = 2 -> Sellers (1992)
    • opt_sfc = 3 -> adjusted Sellers to decrease RSURF for wet soil
    • opt_sfc = 4 -> option 1 for non-snow; rsurf = rsurf_snow for snow (set as RSURF_SNOW in MPTABLE)
  • Made the specification of urban types more general

    • now set in the MPTABLE dependent on classification scheme (i.e., not limited to 31,32,33);
    • this is for future coupling with urban models.

LSM bug fixes

  • Fixed two bugs with OPT_STC=3

  • Fixed bug in new surface resistance option causing divide by 0

  • Write a message if incoming snow water and snow depth are inconsistent; Reduce SWE to 2000mm if input is >2000mm, Noah-MP limits SWE internally to 2000mm

  • Recalculate ESTG in glacier code when snow is melting, will decrease sublimation, but likely increase melting

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • Added instructions and scripts for extraction of single point forcing and setup files from 2D datasets (e.g., NLDAS)

  • Structure for spatially-varying soil properties added to DRV and LSM; Use of the 2D/3D fields in the driver and DRV commented to be consistent with WRF

Driver bug fixes

  • Zero forcing where not land to prevent overflow with ifort

Noah-MP version 3.7.1 release

LSM capabilities/enhancements

  • Added depth dimension to soil parameters.

LSM bug fixes

  • Reorganized parameters to fix problems with OpenMP in WRF simulations.

Driver capabilities/enhancements

  • none

Driver bug fixes

  • Initialized some accumulated fields at 0 (instead of undefined).

Noah-MP version 3.7 release

New capabilities:

  • A parallel capability has been added by Wei Yu ( to support mpi only.

    • To compile with parallel version, edit the file 'user_build_options', uncommment the compiler section with MPI (available for pgf90 and ifort compilers)
    • To compile with sequential version, edit the file 'user_build_options', uncommment the compiler section without MPI
  • System setup and execution now requires only a WRF/WPS geo_em file, Dependence on the wrfinput file has been removed.

  • As part of #2, initialization no longer occurs in the first forcing file,

    • but in the file listed in the namelist as: HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE = "
    • The initialization fields are: SNOW,CANWAT,TSK,TSLB,SMOIS
    • This file also contains the static grid/domain information: XLAT,XLONG,TMN,HGT,SEAICE,MAPFAC_MX,MAPFAC_MY,SHDMAX,SHDMIN,XLAND,IVGTYP,ISLTYP,DZS,ZS
    • This file can also contains some optional fields: LAI
    • NOTE: a WRF input file can be used as a HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE
  • The timing structure has changed:

    • The initial conditions are the states at START time.
    • First forcing file used is START time + FORCING_TIMESTEP
    • First integration is START time + NOAH_TIMESTEP
  • First output file is now START time + OUTPUT_TIMESTEP

  • RESTART file states are consistent with OUTPUT file states with the same time stamp

  • Instructions for using GLDAS and NLDAS as forcing has been provided in addition to the NARR instructions (see /docs)

    • Also, a NCL script has been included for preparing single- or multi-point forcing
  • Initial LAI (if present in the HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE) will be used to initialize the leaf and stem carbon pools

  • Removed dependence on external GRIB tables for forcing creation; now in namelist only

Updated: March 10, 2023