- Major re-structure/refactoring of the entire Noah-MP code with modern Fortran standards without physics changes.
- None
- None
- Refactored driver to work with the modernized Noah-MP version 5.0
- None
Urban modeling:
- Update the local climate zone numbers
Canopy heat storage:
- bring hard-coded tunable canopy heat capacity parameter to MPTABLE
- Several bug fixes in urban, runoff, canopy, crop processes
- None
- None
- None
Tile drainage:
- Add new tile drainage physics and options
Snowpack process enhancement:
- Improved snow viscosity to enhance snowpack compaction
Canopy heat storage:
- add canopy heat storage in vegetation temperature calculation
Runoff scheme:
- Updated formulation in runoff option =1 (TOPMODEL with groundwater)
Soil processes:
- Add new capabilities to allow using a different soil timestep with main Noah-MP timestep using namelist control
- Add new capabilities to output additional detailed Noah-MP water budget terms using namelist control
- Several bug fixes in inout variables, energy, water, and canopy processes
- None
- None
- None
Snow-related updates:
- Add wet-bulb temperature snow-rain partitioning scheme (OPT_SNF=5) based on Wang et al. 2019 (NWM)
- Add snow retention process at the snowpack bottom to improve streamflow modeling (NWM)
- Modify wind-canopy absorption coefficient (CWPVT) parameter values in MPTABLE to be vegetation dependent based on Goudriaan1977
- Bring hard-coded snow emissivity and parameter (2.5*z0) in snow cover formulation to tunable MPTABLE parameters
- Update MFSNO in snow cover formulation with optimized vegetation-dependent values
- Limit the bulk leaf boundary layer resistance (RB) to a more realistic range (5~50)
New irrigation scheme:
- multiple irrigation methods: sprinkler, micro, and surface flooding
Crop scheme update:
- separate the original generic crop physiology parameters in the modis vegetation section into C3/C4 specific parameters in the crop section
New urban physics working with Noah-MP:
- Local climate zone (LCZ), solar panel, green roof, new building drag parameterization
- None
- None
- None
- None
- Consolidate NWM changes into WRF version (#18)
- add unpopulated header required by NOAA
- add BATS parameters to data structure and output band snow albedo
- update MPTABLE for BATS albedo parameters
- add BATS albedo local variables to noahmpdrv
- transfer new BATS table values to parameters data structure in noahmpdrv
- add RSURF_EXP parameter to data structure and update MPTABLE
- change snow water equivalent limit to 5000mm
- assume LAI is stand LAI and doesn't need to be rescaled by FVEG
- conserve snow pack heat when layer melts completely
- change output messages and Fortran open/read unit numbers to WCOSS standard
- include a few missed changes from WRF
Define and declare a few variables in physics routines
Noah-MP bulk urban roughness length set to table values
Air conditioning fraction for BEM model
Improve urban memory by allowing different dimensions for urban variables
- None
- None
- None
Noah-MP frozen soil initialization- An incorrect sign change was introduced in v4.0, impacting soil moisture and soil temperature initialization.
Array out of bounds Noah-MP - Fix possible/likely array out of bounds by assuming homogeneous soil with depth.Only applies to opt_run=2.
Noah-MP snow liquid water movement - prevent excessive gravitational water movement. Fixes unrealistic snow density values during melt season.
Noah-MP divide by zero - Bug fix in v4.0 introduced a possible divide by zero when LAI is zero.
Noah-MP leaf aerodynamic resistance - limit leaf aerodynamic resistance to prevent very large canopy exchange coefficients with high wind speed.
- Add new single point driver based on Bondville data
- Missing quotation mark in spatial_filename check print statement
Add pedotransfer function option for soil propertis
- add optional read for soil composition and multi-layer soil texture from setup/input file
- activated with opt_soil and opt_pedo
- update MPTABLE.TBL with pedotransfer function coefficients
Add Gecros crop model
- activated with opt_crop=2 (Liu et al. crop now opt_crop=1)
- some modifications for crop initialization
Groundwater module (opt_run=5) updates
- move init to driver for parallel capability
- remove rivermask/nonriver from input
EPA modifications to output total stomatal resistance
- None
Change some predefined defaults in user_build_options.compiler files based on some Cheyenne tests
Add ISLAKE to the preprocessing and driver to accommodate WRF files that define a distinct lake category
- Change PGSXY and CROPCAT to be initialized undefined_int
Crop modifications in v3.9 to read in crop datasets and initialize properly
Modifications in v3.9 to read in groundwater datasets
Noah-MP can now run with single-layer and multi-layer urban models
Several fixes in Section 1 of SOILPARM.TBL
Fix strange Noah-MP behavior in soil water in certain conditions
Fix uninitialized variable in Noah-MP surface exchange option
Add capability to include snow in forcing files
- Snow is assumed to be <= incoming precipitation
Add capability to define name of forcing variables in namelist.hrldas
Add spinup option to namelist
- controlled by spinup_loops in namelist.hrldas
- will run kday/khour spinup_loops times before starting the simulation
Add capability to exclude the first output file since this file contains only initial states
- and no computed fluxes
- activated by namelist.hrldas option: SKIP_FIRST_OUTPUT = .true.
Added README.namelist to describe all the namelist.hrldas options
- None
- None
Change C3C4 in MPTABLE to integer
Set some limits on stability function for OPT_SFC = 2
Change limit for minimum wood pool in dynamic vegetation
Fix bug in QSFC calculation
Prevent divide by zero when soil moisture is zero
Fix a few bugs in the crop code; make DVEG = 10 activate crop model
- Added configure script for generating user_build_options file
- None
Added 3 new dveg option for reading LAI from forcing and 1 new dveg option for reading FVEG;
- Also added initial commit of crop model; currently runs crop everywhere
- dveg = 6 -> dynamic vegetation on (use FVEG = SHDFAC from input)
- dveg = 7 -> dynamic vegetation off (use input LAI; use FVEG = SHDFAC from input)
- dveg = 8 -> dynamic vegetation off (use input LAI; calculate FVEG)
- dveg = 9 -> dynamic vegetation off (use input LAI; use maximum vegetation fraction)
- dveg = 10 -> crop model on (use maximum vegetation fraction)
Added glacier options:
- opt_gla = 1 -> original Noah-MP version
- opt_gla = 2 -> no ice phase change or sublimation (like Noah glacier)
Added surface resistance as an option (now four options)
- opt_sfc = 1 -> Sakaguchi and Zeng, 2009 (has been Noah-MP default)
- opt_sfc = 2 -> Sellers (1992)
- opt_sfc = 3 -> adjusted Sellers to decrease RSURF for wet soil
- opt_sfc = 4 -> option 1 for non-snow; rsurf = rsurf_snow for snow (set as RSURF_SNOW in MPTABLE)
Made the specification of urban types more general
- now set in the MPTABLE dependent on classification scheme (i.e., not limited to 31,32,33);
- this is for future coupling with urban models.
Fixed two bugs with OPT_STC=3
Fixed bug in new surface resistance option causing divide by 0
Write a message if incoming snow water and snow depth are inconsistent; Reduce SWE to 2000mm if input is >2000mm, Noah-MP limits SWE internally to 2000mm
Recalculate ESTG in glacier code when snow is melting, will decrease sublimation, but likely increase melting
Added instructions and scripts for extraction of single point forcing and setup files from 2D datasets (e.g., NLDAS)
Structure for spatially-varying soil properties added to DRV and LSM; Use of the 2D/3D fields in the driver and DRV commented to be consistent with WRF
- Zero forcing where not land to prevent overflow with ifort
- Added depth dimension to soil parameters.
- Reorganized parameters to fix problems with OpenMP in WRF simulations.
- none
- Initialized some accumulated fields at 0 (instead of undefined).
A parallel capability has been added by Wei Yu (weiyu@ncar.edu) to support mpi only.
- To compile with parallel version, edit the file 'user_build_options', uncommment the compiler section with MPI (available for pgf90 and ifort compilers)
- To compile with sequential version, edit the file 'user_build_options', uncommment the compiler section without MPI
System setup and execution now requires only a WRF/WPS geo_em file, Dependence on the wrfinput file has been removed.
As part of #2, initialization no longer occurs in the first forcing file,
- but in the file listed in the namelist as: HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE = "
- The initialization fields are: SNOW,CANWAT,TSK,TSLB,SMOIS
- This file also contains the static grid/domain information: XLAT,XLONG,TMN,HGT,SEAICE,MAPFAC_MX,MAPFAC_MY,SHDMAX,SHDMIN,XLAND,IVGTYP,ISLTYP,DZS,ZS
- This file can also contains some optional fields: LAI
- NOTE: a WRF input file can be used as a HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE
The timing structure has changed:
- The initial conditions are the states at START time.
- First forcing file used is START time + FORCING_TIMESTEP
- First integration is START time + NOAH_TIMESTEP
First output file is now START time + OUTPUT_TIMESTEP
RESTART file states are consistent with OUTPUT file states with the same time stamp
Instructions for using GLDAS and NLDAS as forcing has been provided in addition to the NARR instructions (see /docs)
- Also, a NCL script has been included for preparing single- or multi-point forcing
Initial LAI (if present in the HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE) will be used to initialize the leaf and stem carbon pools
Removed dependence on external GRIB tables for forcing creation; now in namelist only
Updated: March 10, 2023