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Y Axis value repeat in BarChart and Zero Y Axis position is not there in Positive and Negative BarChart. #5066

lokesh-vyas opened this issue Jun 2, 2023 · 1 comment


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lokesh-vyas commented Jun 2, 2023

We are facing mainly two issue

  1. Y Axis value is repeat for large number in Bar Chart despite we are using granularityEnable and setting value as well. We have use below OIAnalysisLargeValueFormatter but it seems it is working but granularity is not taking correct value.
Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 12 01 52 PM

`final class OIAnalysisLargeValueFormatter: AxisValueFormatter {

var suffix = ["", "k", "L", "Cr"]

public init() { }

fileprivate func format(value: Double) -> String {
    var sig = value
    var length = 3
    var fraction = 0
    let numberFormatter = NumberFormatter()
    numberFormatter.usesGroupingSeparator = true
    numberFormatter.negativePrefix = "-"
    if abs(sig) >= 10000000 {
        sig = (Double(sig) / 100000000)
        sig *= 10
        length -= 0
        numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 1
    } else if abs(sig) >= 100000 {
        sig = (Double(sig) / 1000000).rounded()
        sig *= 10
        length -= 1
        numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = 0
    } else if abs(sig) >= 10000 {
        sig = (Double(sig) / 10000).rounded() //' K'
        length -= 2
    } else {
        length -= 3  // ""
    let number = NSNumber(value: sig)
    numberFormatter.maximumFractionDigits = fraction
    numberFormatter.positiveSuffix = suffix[length]
    numberFormatter.negativeSuffix = suffix[length]
    guard let string = numberFormatter.string(from: number) else {
        return NumberFormatter.localizedString(from: number, number: .decimal)
    return string

func stringForValue(
    _ value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {
        return format(value: value)

func stringForValue(
    _ value: Double,
    entry: ChartDataEntry,
    dataSetIndex: Int,
    viewPortHandler: ViewPortHandler?) -> String {
        return format(value: value)


2. In positive negative chart it is not showing Zero position as Axis in between.

Screenshot 2023-06-02 at 12 02 42 PM

'Data Building :- >
func processOIChartDataSet(strikes: [Strike], spotPrice: Double) -> ViewController.Content {
var dataEntries = [BarChartDataEntry]
var callEntries = BarChartDataEntry
var putEntries = BarChartDataEntry
var xAxisValues = String

strikes.enumerated().forEach {
  let data = OiAnalysisToolTipModel(chartType: .oi,
                                    strikePrice: $0.element.strikePrice,
                                    callOi: $0.element.calloi,
                                    putOi: $0.element.putoi,
                                    firstColorView: Constants.colorSets[0] ?? .green,
                                    secondColorView: Constants.colorSets[1] ?? .red)
  callEntries.append(BarChartDataEntry(x: $0.element.strikePrice, y: $0.element.calloi, data: data))
  putEntries.append(BarChartDataEntry(x: $0.element.strikePrice, y: $0.element.putoi, data: data))

callEntries.insert(BarChartDataEntry(x: 0, y: 0), at: 0)
putEntries.insert(BarChartDataEntry(x: 0, y: 0), at: 0)
return processChartResponse(chartType: .oi,
                            barData: dataEntries,
                            title: OiFilterTabs.OiFilterSecondaryFilter.oi.title,
                            spotPrice: spotPrice,
                            xAxisBarValues: xAxisValues)



'extension ViewController {

struct Content {
    let chartType: OiFilterTabs.OiFilterSecondaryFilter
    let chartDataSets: [OiFNOChartDataSet]
    let spotPrice: Double
    let xAxisBarValues: [String]
    weak var chartViewDelegate: ChartViewDelegate?
    init(chartType: OiFilterTabs.OiFilterSecondaryFilter,
         chartDataSets: [OiFNOChartDataSet],
         spotPrice: Double = 0.0,
         xAxisBarValues: [String] = [],
         chartViewDelegate: ChartViewDelegate? = nil) {
        self.chartType = chartType
        self.chartDataSets = chartDataSets
        self.spotPrice = spotPrice
        self.xAxisBarValues = xAxisBarValues
        self.chartViewDelegate = chartViewDelegate

struct OiFNOChartDataSet {
    let entries: [ChartDataEntry]
    let barChartEntries: [BarChartDataEntry]
    let color: UIColor
    let title: String

func setUpChart() {
    let legend = barChartView.legend
    legend.enabled = false
    barChartView.xAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
    barChartView.xAxis.labelPosition = .bottom
    barChartView.xAxis.labelTextColor = .gray
    barChartView.xAxis.centerAxisLabelsEnabled = true
    barChartView.xAxis.axisLineColor = .gray
    barChartView.xAxis.granularityEnabled = true
    barChartView.xAxis.enabled = true
    barChartView.leftAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = false
    barChartView.leftAxis.drawAxisLineEnabled = false
    barChartView.leftAxis.labelTextColor = .gray
    barChartView.leftAxis.drawZeroLineEnabled = true
    barChartView.leftAxis.valueFormatter = OIAnalysisLargeValueFormatter()
    barChartView.leftAxis.granularityEnabled = true
    barChartView.leftAxis.enabled = true
    barChartView.rightAxis.drawAxisLineEnabled = false
    barChartView.rightAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = true
    barChartView.rightAxis.drawLabelsEnabled = false
    barChartView.rightAxis.gridColor = .gray
    barChartView.pinchZoomEnabled = false
    barChartView.dragXEnabled = true
    barChartView.scaleXEnabled = false
    barChartView.scaleYEnabled = false
    barChartView.extraRightOffset = Constants.defaultMargin
    barChartView.extraLeftOffset = Constants.defaultMargin

func configure(_ content: Content) {
    barChartView.delegate = content.chartViewDelegate
    let dataSets = content.chartDataSets.enumerated().map {
        getBarChartDataSet($0.element.barChartEntries, color: $0.element.color, label: $0.element.title, highlightEnabled: content.chartViewDelegate != nil)
    let chartData = BarChartData(dataSets: dataSets)
    barChartView.leftAxis.setLabelCount(Constants.leftAxisOICount, force: true)
    barChartView.rightAxis.setLabelCount(Constants.leftAxisOICount, force: true)
    barChartView.xAxis.valueFormatter = OiBarChartValueXAxisFormatter(values: content.xAxisBarValues)
    chartData.barWidth = Constants.barWidth
    barChartView.xAxis.granularity = barChartView.xAxis.axisMaximum / Double(content.xAxisBarValues.count)
    barChartView.leftAxis.spaceBottom = 0.0
    barChartView.xAxis.axisMinimum = 0.0
    barChartView.xAxis.axisMaximum = 0.0 + chartData.groupWidth(groupSpace: Constants.groupSpace, barSpace: Constants.barSpace) * Double(content.xAxisBarValues.count)
    chartData.groupBars(fromX: 0.0, groupSpace: Constants.groupSpace, barSpace: Constants.barSpace) = chartData
    self.getBarGranuraltiy(axisCount: Constants.leftAxisOICount, chartMax: barChartView.chartYMax)
    barChartView.animate(yAxisDuration: Constants.yAxisDuration, easingOption: .linear)
    addSpotPriceLine(spotPrice: content.spotPrice, values: content.xAxisBarValues)
    barChartView.xAxisRenderer = LimitLineLabelRenderer(
        viewPortHandler: barChartView.viewPortHandler,
        axis: barChartView.xAxis,
        transformer: barChartView.getTransformer(forAxis: .left)

func getBarGranuraltiy(axisCount: Int, chartMax: Double) -> Double {
    let count = String(Int(chartMax)).count - 1
    let c = NSDecimalNumber(decimal: pow(10, count)).doubleValue
    let d = (chartMax / c).rounded() * c
    let granuraltiy = (d / Double(axisCount)).rounded(.toNearestOrAwayFromZero)
    let granuraltiyCount = String(Int(granuraltiy)).count - 1
    let granuraltiyNumber = NSDecimalNumber(decimal: pow(10, granuraltiyCount)).doubleValue
    let finalValue = (granuraltiy / granuraltiyNumber).rounded() * granuraltiyNumber
    return finalValue < (20 * 100000) ? (20 * 100000) : finalValue


// MARK: - Constant Helper

private typealias ConstantHelper = ViewController
private extension ConstantHelper {

enum Constants {

static let defaultMargin: CGFloat = 16.0
static let dashLineWidth: CGFloat = 1.0
static let xOffsetLimitLine: CGFloat = 50.0
static let yOffsetLimitLine = 4.0

// Line Chart
static let chartViewHeight: CGFloat = 315.0
static let lineWidth: CGFloat = 2.0
static let rightLeftAxisCount: Int = 8
static let chartMaxRange: Int = 120

// Bar Chart
static let granularity = 50.0
static let leftAxisOICount: Int = 6
static let groupSpace = 0.4
static let barWidth = 0.2
static let barSpace = 0.03
static let xRangeMaximum = 5.0
static let yAxisDuration = 0.5
static let barDashPhase = 5.0
static let barDashLineWidth = 1.0

static var xAxisValueForPCRAndMAX: [String] = {
  ["9:15", "10:15", "11:15", "12:15", "01:15", "02:15", "03:15"]



// MARK: - OiLineChartValuexAxisFormatter

private class OiLineChartValuexAxisFormatter: AxisValueFormatter {

func stringForValue(_ value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {
let index = Int(value) < titleValues.count ? Int(value) : Int(value / 20)
return titleValues[index]

var titleValues = String

init(values: [String]) {
self.titleValues = values


// MARK: - OiBarChartValueXAxisFormatter

private class OiBarChartValueXAxisFormatter: AxisValueFormatter {

var titleValues = String

init(values: [String]) {
self.titleValues = values

func stringForValue(_ value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {

let count = self.titleValues.count
guard let axis = axis, !self.titleValues.isEmpty else { return "" }

let factor = axis.axisMaximum / Double(count)
let index = Int((value / factor).rounded())

if index >= 0 && index < count {
  return self.titleValues[index]
return ""



// MARK: - ChartDataHelper Helper

private typealias ChartDataHelper = ViewController
private extension ChartDataHelper {

func getBarChartDataSet(_ chartDataEntries: [BarChartDataEntry],
color: UIColor,
label: String,
highlightEnabled: Bool) -> BarChartDataSet {
let chartDataSet = BarChartDataSet(entries: chartDataEntries, label: label)
chartDataSet.colors = [color]
chartDataSet.drawIconsEnabled = false
chartDataSet.drawValuesEnabled = false
chartDataSet.highlightEnabled = highlightEnabled
chartDataSet.highlightColor = .clear
chartDataSet.highlightLineWidth = Constants.dashLineWidth
chartDataSet.highlightLineDashPhase = Constants.barDashPhase
chartDataSet.highlightLineDashLengths = [Constants.barDashPhase, Constants.barDashPhase]
return chartDataSet

func addSpotPriceLine(spotPrice: Double, values: [String]) {
guard let value = values.first?.toDouble, let value2 = values[1].toDouble else { return }
let limitPoint = ((spotPrice - value) / (value2 - value)) - 1.0
let limitLine = ChartLimitLine(limit: limitPoint, label: "Spot price: " + String(spotPrice))
limitLine.lineWidth = Constants.barDashLineWidth
limitLine.lineColor = UIColor.gray
limitLine.valueTextColor = UIColor.gray
limitLine.lineDashLengths = [Constants.barDashPhase, Constants.barDashPhase]
limitLine.labelPosition = .rightTop
limitLine.xOffset = -Constants.xOffsetLimitLine
limitLine.yOffset = -Constants.yOffsetLimitLine

barChartView.xAxis.gridLineDashLengths = [5, 5]
barChartView.xAxis.drawLimitLinesBehindDataEnabled = true
barChartView.centerViewTo(xValue: limitPoint, yValue: 0, axis: .left)



Charts Environment

##Chart Version : 4.1.0
##Xcode : 14.2

Demo Project

ℹ Please link to or upload a project we can download that reproduces the issue.

  1. Open App
  2. In OI tab yAxis value is repeating.
  3. in Change OI and PCR Zero yAxis is not showing while added 0 data in ChartDataBuilder.
@lokesh-vyas lokesh-vyas changed the title Y Axis value repeat in BarChart and Zero Y Axis position is not there in BarChart. Y Axis value repeat in BarChart and Zero Y Axis position is not there in Positive and Negative BarChart. Jun 2, 2023
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lokesh-vyas commented Jun 7, 2023

Any update on this, how we can resolve both issue.

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