SVM is used for classification and regression analysis.
SVM solves the following optimization problem:
where is the regularization term; is the regularization coefficient; is the hinge loss as visualized below:
Angel MLLib uses mini-batch gradient descent optimization method for solving SVM's objective; the algorithm is shown below:
Data fromat is set in "", supporting "libsvm" and "dummy" types. For details, see Angel Data Format
Feature vector's dimension is set in "ml.feature.num"
Algorithm Parameters
- ml.epoch.num: number of epochs
- ml.batch.sample.ratio: sampling rate for each epoch
- ml.num.update.per.epoch: number of mini-batches in each epoch
- proportion of data used for validation, no validation when set to 0
- ml.learn.rate: initial learning rate
- ml.learn.decay: decay rate of the learning rate
- ml.svm.reg.l2: coefficient of the L2 penalty
I/O Parameters
- input path for train
- input path for predict
- ml.feature.num: number of features
- Angel Data Format, supporting "dummy" and "libsvm"
- save path for trained model
- angel.predict.out.path: output path for predict
- angel.log.path: save path for the log
Resource Parameters
- angel.workergroup.number: number of workers
- angel.worker.memory.mb: worker's memory requested in G
- angel.worker.task.number: number of tasks on each worker, default is 1
- number of PS
- PS's memory requested in G
You can submit job by setting the parameters above one by one in the script or construct network by json file as follows (see Json description for a complete description of the Json configuration file)
- If you use both parameters and json in script, parameters in script have higher priority.
- If you only use parameters in script you must change
and do not set this
which is for json file path. Here we provide an example submitted by using json file(see data)
"data": {
"format": "dummy",
"indexrange": 148,
"numfield": 13,
"validateratio": 0.1
"model": {
"modelsize": 148
"train": {
"epoch": 10,
"numupdateperepoch": 10,
"lr": 0.1,
"decay": 0.8
"default_optimizer": {
"type": "momentum",
"momentum": 0.9,
"reg2": 0.01
"layers": [
"name": "wide",
"type": "simpleinputlayer",
"outputdim": 1,
"transfunc": "identity"
"name": "simplelosslayer",
"type": "simplelosslayer",
"lossfunc": "hingeloss",
"inputlayer": "wide"
Submit Command Training Job
runner="" modelClass="" $ANGEL_HOME/bin/angel-submit \ svm \ --action.type train \ $runner \ $modelClass \ $input_path \ $model_path \ --angel.log.path $log_path \ --angel.workergroup.number $workerNumber \ $workerMemory \ --angel.worker.task.number $taskNumber \ $PSNumber \ $PSMemory \ --angel.output.path.deleteonexist true \ $storageLevel \ $taskMemory \ --angel.worker.env "LD_PRELOAD=./" \ $svm_json_path \ --ml.optimizer.json.provider
Prediction Job
runner="" modelClass="" $ANGEL_HOME/bin/angel-submit \ svm \ --action.type predict \ $runner \ $modelClass \ $input_path \ --angel.load.model.path $model_path \ --angel.predict.out.path $predictout \ --angel.log.path $log_path \ --angel.workergroup.number $workerNumber \ $workerMemory \ --angel.worker.task.number $taskNumber \ $PSNumber \ $PSMemory \ --angel.output.path.deleteonexist true \ $storageLevel \ $taskMemory \ --angel.worker.env "LD_PRELOAD=./" \ $svm_json_path \ --ml.optimizer.json.provider