Releases: Chia-Network/chia-operator
Breaking Changes
- Breaking change to sidecar container configurations. If you use the advanced sidecar container feature, please check the documentation for it again. You do not use this feature unless your config contains the .spec.sidecars key. Documentation
- As of this release, it is now also necessary to use --server-side to apply the released CRDs with kubectl. This is due to a length limitation with client-side applies. Documentation
What's Changed
- Unify config for sidecar and init containers by @Starttoaster in #193
- Set manager memory limit to 256MiB by @Starttoaster in #195
- Update controller defaults for 0.12.0 tag by @Starttoaster in #196
Full Changelog: 0.11.2...0.12.0
What's Changed
- Bump the global group with 3 updates by @dependabot in #183
- Bump the global group with 2 updates by @dependabot in #186
- Add Service to expose metrics endpoint by @Starttoaster in #187
- Bump from 0.15.0 to 0.15.5 in the global group by @dependabot in #189
- Remove some unused kustomize templates by @Starttoaster in #191
- Bump from 0.15.5 to 0.15.6 in the global group by @dependabot in #190
- Set controller defaults for 0.11.2 tag by @Starttoaster in #192
Full Changelog: 0.11.1...0.11.2
What's Changed
- Set the correct full_node port in all locations if defined on a ChiaNetwork by @Starttoaster in #184
- Set controller defaults for 0.11.1 tag by @Starttoaster in #185
Full Changelog: 0.11.0...0.11.1
What's Changed
- Remove duplicate metric for operator errors by @Starttoaster in #178
- Documentation refinements by @Starttoaster in #179
- Docs: Mention that volume mounts are readonly for plot storage by @Starttoaster in #180
- Add ChiaNetwork API and controller by @Starttoaster in #181
- Set controller defaults for 0.11.0 by @Starttoaster in #182
Full Changelog: 0.10.1...0.11.0
What's Changed
- Fix Dockerfile casing lint by @Starttoaster in #174
- Remove old resource watches from ChiaCA SetupWithManager by @Starttoaster in #175
- Deprecate kube-rbac-proxy by @Starttoaster in #176
- Set controller defaults for 0.10.1 tag by @Starttoaster in #177
Full Changelog: 0.10.0...0.10.1
NOTE: This release introduces a breaking change to ChiaCA resources that used the .spec.image
or .spec.imagePullSecret
fields on the resource. The vast majority of ChiaCA resources won't have specified those two fields as they were never required and had a niche use-case anyway. This change was introduced to remove the Chia CA Secret generating Job resource, as the operator now has the capability to generate that Secret within itself. This change comes with the security win of removing the need for a pods in your Chia namespaces having access to the kubernetes API.
This doesn't change any expected behavior around using ChiaCAs. The CA Secret will still be left in a namespace if you delete its associated ChiaCA resource.
What's Changed
- Remove ca-gen service, create CA Secret inside the operator by @Starttoaster in #172
- Set controller defaults for 0.10.0 tag by @Starttoaster in #173
Full Changelog: 0.9.1...0.10.0
What's Changed
- Set controller defaults for 0.9.1 tag by @Starttoaster in #171
Full Changelog: 0.9.0...0.9.1
NOTE: This release introduces a potentially breaking change to selector labels. If you currently create any Services or similar objects that contain selectorLabels, and they use the
label, you will need to update your Services to use the new
label instead. Additionally, since selector labels are immutable on Deployments and StatefulSets, upgrading this release will cause your Deployments/StatefulSets to be deleted and recreated. This should not cause data loss. StatefulSet's do not delete PVCs/PVs when deleted, and in the case of Deployments where the operator was instructed to create a PVC, the operator will only delete the Deployment, and leave the existing PVC behind. When the Deployment/StatefulSet is recreated, it will immediately pick up the existing PVC. See this Issue for more information: #166
What's Changed
- Remove provenance label, replace with Kind label by @Starttoaster in #167
- Update rbac definitions for statefulsets and deployments by @Starttoaster in #169
- Set controller defaults for 0.9.0 tag by @Starttoaster in #170
Full Changelog: 0.8.1...0.9.0
What's Changed
- Fix the documentation for resource requests/limits by @Starttoaster in #161
- Add support for chia-docker source_ref variable by @Starttoaster in #162
- Add support for imagePullSecrets by @Starttoaster in #164
- Set controller defaults for 0.8.1 tag by @Starttoaster in #165
Full Changelog: 0.8.0...0.8.1
What's Changed
- Remove usage of the cisco-open reconciler package by @Starttoaster in #151
- Update dependencies and re-run make by @Starttoaster in #154
- Refactor chia_root volume assembly into a common function by @Starttoaster in #153
- Fix goimports lints by @Starttoaster in #156
- Bump the global group across 1 directory with 3 updates by @dependabot in #155
- Fix volume claim assembler function comparison operators by @Starttoaster in #157
- Add healthcheck sidecar for ChiaTimelords by @Starttoaster in #159
- Add assembler tests for ChiaCA by @Starttoaster in #158
- Set controller defaults for 0.8.0 tag by @Starttoaster in #160
Full Changelog: 0.7.5...0.8.0