Releases: Chia-Network/chiavdf
Releases · Chia-Network/chiavdf
What's Changed
- hwvdf: Allow setting max frequency when in auto adjustment mode by @cmmarslender in #158
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1
What's Changed
- Add riscv qemu build and test by @emlowe in #151
- Swap to new build image + upload to s3 by @cmmarslender in #153
- HW VDF by @cmmarslender in #148
- Add a trigger for updating the repo by @cmmarslender in #154
- Update to pybind v2.11.1 by @hoffmang9 in #147
Full Changelog: 1.0.11...1.1.0
What's Changed
- Add pypi trusted publishing by @cmmarslender in #146
- Move cibw config to pyproject.toml by @emlowe in #145
- Remove python 3.7 and some cleanup by @emlowe in #144
- adjust use of setuptools to support version 68.2 by @arvidn in #149
- drop tag trigger, add publish trigger by @altendky in #150
Full Changelog: 1.0.10...1.0.11
What's Changed
- Build macOS ARM 3.8 by @altendky in #134
- use libpython3-dev instead of libpython3.8-dev by @altendky in #136
- Updating deprecated set-output workflow command by @wallentx in #135
- Adding CodeQL v2 by @wallentx in #129
- Setting actions version to latest by @wallentx in #137
- Fix error message on invalid number of args for
. by @mattxlee in #133 - Remove custom delocate for macOS by @altendky in #139
- by @altendky in #140
- vdf fix by @arvidn in #142
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.0.8...1.0.9
What's Changed
- one matrix to rule them all (well, some anyways) by @altendky in #118
- Install pipx before the cibuildwheel action by @altendky in #120
- add 3.11 (again) by @altendky in #119
- Use instead of deprecated distutils by @altendky in #122
- Remove setup_requires, use pyproject.toml by @altendky in #121
- remove pybind11 submodule by @altendky in #123
- Updating intermediates generation, and fix some const correctness by @arvidn @rrtoledo in #132
- Remove test pypi upload step by @altendky in #131
Full Changelog: 1.0.7...1.0.8