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Installation instructions

Theoretically, Aardwolf should run anywhere that Rust and PostgreSQL run. At the moment it has only been tested on linux, OSX, and Windows 10.

NOTE: These instructions may help in installing a production version, but are intended for developers to be able to build and test their changes. If in doubt, seek out documentation from your distribution package or from the doc folder.

Installing Requirements

Installing PostgreSQL

In order to run the Aardwolf backend, you will need to have access to a PostgreSQL database. There are a few options for doing this, but for this guide we’re going to assume you are running the database on your development machine.

Full details can be found here:

Installing Rust Environment

Next, you’ll need to have the Rust toolchain installed. The best way to do this is to install rustup, which is a Rust toolchain manager.

Full details can be found here:

Getting the source

To get the source, use git to checkout this repo:

$ git clone

Then, cd into the source directory

$ cd aardwolf

Setting the Rust toolchain version

We could continue to use the +nightly feature whenever we run a cargo command, but why do the extra typing? Let’s set up a rustup override so cargo will know to use nightly by default whenever we’re in our project directory. In the aardwolf directory, run

$ rustup override set nightly

From now on, you won't have to use +nightly to run the correct toolchain version.

NOTE: Version pinning as of Nov/13/2018

The master branch has been tested with rustc 1.31.0-nightly (e7f5d4805 2018-10-18). This version is pinned the nightly version is pinned to nightly-2018-10-12 (see rust_toolchain). To Install this specific version of nightly, run

$ rustup install nightly-2018-10-12

Then to set this nightly version on the project directory, in the aardwolf directory, run

$ rustup override set nightly-2018-10-12

To verify that the version in the project directory is what we just set, in the aardwolf directory, run

$ rustup show

Configuring the server

Currently, Aardwolf expects aardwolf.toml to be in the root of the project directory. To get started, copy config/example.toml to ./aardwolf.toml and adjust the values accordingly.

You may also override this configuration file using the following environment variables (useful for some deployments such as containers):

Environment Variable Example Value Description
AARDWOLF_INSTANCE_DOMAIN yourdomain.tld Defines the domain name which the Aardwolf instance is hosted at. This is used for url writing.
AARDWOLF_WEB_HOST The network address the server should listen on. The Docker image defaults to
AARDWOLF_WEB_PORT 8080 Defines the port for Aardwolf to listen on.
AARDWOLF_DATABASE_HOST The ip address or hostname of the PostgreSQL database to use.
AARDWOLF_DATABASE_USERNAME aardwolf The username for the database.
AARDWOLF_DATABASE_PASSWORD p4ssw0rd The password for the database.

Setting up the database

Change to the aardwolf-server directory

$ cd aardwolf

Once the database connection values are set in aardwolf.toml (and in the project root path_to_git_clone_aardwolf/), run the following command to set up the aardwolf database:

$ cargo run --bin setup

Running the server

Finally, we get to actually run the darn thing! To run the server with as the backend:

$ cargo run --bin aardwolf-server

The console output should show you Updating [lang] where [lang] is the two character string for each i18n language file in the /po directory. There will also be one ....done for each. At this time you will also want to watch the /aardwolf.log because this is where the status updates will show.

Wait until you see “Rocket has launched from http://localhost:[port]“ in the aardwolf.log. Now you’re ready to go!

NOTE: Build notes At this time gettext-rs takes a_very_long_time_to_compile. This is for reasons which are beyond the scope of this document. Please try to be patient when running builds for the first time.