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Keeyou edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 41 revisions

Welcome to the yass wiki!


  • Better scale, less memory consumption and CPU cycles, less than 0.1% on my iMac.
  • Easier to maintain and adopt new features, so far aead ciphers supported.
  • Safe memory layout, tested against Address Sanitizer.
  • Thread Safe, tested against Thread Sanitizer.
  • IPv6 compatible (both client and server side)

Supported Operating System

  • macOS (Mac OS X 10.14 or later, macOS 11.0 or later, Apple Silicon supported)
  • Linux (CentOS 7 or later, Debian 8 or later, Ubuntu 14.04 or later)
  • Windows (Windows 8.1 or later, Windows XP SP3/Windows 7 binaries also provided)
  • Android (7.0 or later)
  • iOS (13.0 or later)

Screenshot on Supported Operating System

Supported Tunnels

Client Protocols Supported

  • Socks4 Proxy
  • Socks4A Proxy
  • Socks5/Socks5h Proxy
  • HTTP Proxy
  • HTTPS Proxy
  • redir mode (Linux Only)
  • tproxy (Linux Only)

Status of Package Store


Please visit to Usages and Server Usage

Runtime requirement on MinGW Build (new Windows Build)

If you use MinGW binaries (notably those winxp binaries), it is necessary that you must make sure your OS has Visual C++ 2010 runtime. For your reference, here is x86 installer download url and here is x64 installer one.

Runtime requirement on MSVC Build (previous Windows Build)

MSVC prebuilt binaries are no longer provided. If you are using windows operating system, there is no runtime requirement mostly because the installer/tarball ships with the required runtime dlls except for the system NSIS installer.

However, if you have troubles with the missing Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime, it is necessary to install at least Visual C++ 2019 Runtime on system. For your reference, here is x86 installer download url and here is x64 installer one.

Missing ISRG (Let's Encrypt Root) on some Windows 11 Installation

If you get certificate error on Windows Machines and you are using Let's Encrypt Certificate on Server, it might be an issue with your Windows Installation that it might lack the ISRG (Let's Encrypt Root) ceritifcate. Grabing an update from microsoft might fix it, or you can pass command argument -use_ca_bundle_crt to yass.exe.

PS C:\> gci Cert:\LocalMachine\Root

   PSParentPath: Microsoft.PowerShell.Security\Certificate::LocalMachine\Root

Thumbprint                                Subject
----------                                -------
CDD4EEAE6000AC7F40C3802C171E30148030C072  CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority, DC=microsoft, DC=com
BE36A4562FB2EE05DBB3D32323ADF445084ED656  CN=Thawte Timestamping CA, OU=Thawte Certification, O=Thawte, L=Durbanvill...
A43489159A520F0D93D032CCAF37E7FE20A8B419  CN=Microsoft Root Authority, OU=Microsoft Corporation, OU=Copyright (c) 19...
92B46C76E13054E104F230517E6E504D43AB10B5  CN=Symantec Enterprise Mobile Root for Microsoft, O=Symantec Corporation, ...
8F43288AD272F3103B6FB1428485EA3014C0BCFE  CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2011, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=R...
7F88CD7223F3C813818C994614A89C99FA3B5247  CN=Microsoft Authenticode(tm) Root Authority, O=MSFT, C=US
3B1EFD3A66EA28B16697394703A72CA340A05BD5  CN=Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=R...
31F9FC8BA3805986B721EA7295C65B3A44534274  CN=Microsoft ECC TS Root Certificate Authority 2018, O=Microsoft Corporati...
245C97DF7514E7CF2DF8BE72AE957B9E04741E85  OU=Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corp., OU=Microsoft Time Stamping Service ...
18F7C1FCC3090203FD5BAA2F861A754976C8DD25  OU="NO LIABILITY ACCEPTED, (c)97 VeriSign, Inc.", OU=VeriSign Time Stampin...
06F1AA330B927B753A40E68CDF22E34BCBEF3352  CN=Microsoft ECC Product Root Certificate Authority 2018, O=Microsoft Corp...
0119E81BE9A14CD8E22F40AC118C687ECBA3F4D8  CN=Microsoft Time Stamp Root Certificate Authority 2014, O=Microsoft Corpo...
DF3C24F9BFD666761B268073FE06D1CC8D4F82A4  CN=DigiCert Global Root G2,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
DDFB16CD4931C973A2037D3FC83A4D7D775D05E4  CN=DigiCert Trusted Root G4,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
D4DE20D05E66FC53FE1A50882C78DB2852CAE474  CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root, OU=CyberTrust, O=Baltimore, C=IE
D1EB23A46D17D68FD92564C2F1F1601764D8E349  CN=AAA Certificate Services, O=Comodo CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Man...
B1BC968BD4F49D622AA89A81F2150152A41D829C  CN=GlobalSign Root CA, OU=Root CA, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
A8985D3A65E5E5C4B2D7D66D40C6DD2FB19C5436  CN=DigiCert Global Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
7E04DE896A3E666D00E687D33FFAD93BE83D349E  CN=DigiCert Global Root G3,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US
742C3192E607E424EB4549542BE1BBC53E6174E2  OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority, O="VeriSign, Inc.", C=US
5FB7EE0633E259DBAD0C4C9AE6D38F1A61C7DC25  CN=DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc...
5EEED86FA37C675230642F55C84DDBF67CD33C80  CN=DigiCert CS RSA4096 Root G5, O="DigiCert, Inc.", C=US
4EB6D578499B1CCF5F581EAD56BE3D9B6744A5E5  CN=VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5, OU="(c) 2...
3679CA35668772304D30A5FB873B0FA77BB70D54  CN=VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority, OU="(c) 2008 VeriSign,...
0563B8630D62D75ABBC8AB1E4BDFB5A899B24D43  CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

PS C:\> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.22621.2506
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.22621.2506
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

PS C:\> gwmi win32_operatingsystem | fl Caption, Version, BuildNumber

Caption     : Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
Version     : 10.0.22631
BuildNumber : 22631

see more at isrg blog

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