libCEC is available through [MacPorts] ( and has been tested on OS X 10.9 through 10.12
To compile libCEC on OS X, you'll need the following dependencies:
- [p8-platform] ( 2.0 or later
- [cmake 2.6 or better] (
- a supported C++ 11 compiler. Support for C++11 was added in OS X 10.9
- xcode 3.2.6 or later
- optional: [Python 3.4 or later] ( and [Swig] ( to generate Python bindings
- optional: libX11 and xrandr to read the sink's EDID, used to determine the PC's HDMI physical address
To compile, execute the following command:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Note: You may need to copy pkg.m4 to your m4 sources directory