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Beat Saber plugin that colors the scores that pop up when you hit notes

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A fairly simple mod that allows you to heavily customize the appearance of hit scores.


Having it all installed, you might wonder how you actually use this version. The first important thing that you'll need to know is that it has support for multiple configs which means that you won't have to restart your game in order to change a config.

On the first run, it will create a new folder /sdcard/ModData/com.beatgames.beatsaber/Mods/HitScoreVisualizer (and a default config for those who didn't have one yet). In that folder, you can drop all your HSV config files. It doesn't even matter if you create new folders in that folder, HSV will still be able to find them all. One remark about this though... while you can have config files with the same name when using folder structures, I still strongly advise you to use unique config filenames because, despite HSV being able to handle them just fine, config files will appear in-game with only their filename, and you might end up with several files in the list that appear identical.

Having placed your config files in the folder doesn't mean you're ready to go yet as you still need to select it in-game.

How-To Config? (aka config explained)

When first running the game, it will create a default config which can be found at /sdcard/ModData/com.beatgames.beatsaber/Mods/HitScoreVisualizer/HitScoreVisualizerConfig (default).json.
You can use that file as a starting point in case you want to customize it. Just make sure to set isDefaultConfig to false.

Property name(s) Explanation / Info Example or possible values
isDefaultConfig Indicates whether this file is a default config file. This also means that it will likely be overwritten by the built-in default config. true or false
displayMode - Currently unsupported, will always be the equivalent of "format" on PC. "format"
fixedPosition The coordinate object that defines the fixed location where the hit scores have to be shown.
Either leave this out or set as null to fully disable.
"x": 0.0,
"y": 3.0,
"z": -2.0

targetPositionOffset The coordinate object that indicates how much the hitscore fade animation target position has to be offset.
Note: If a fixed position is defined in the config, that one will take priority over this one and this will be fully ignored.
Either leave this out or set as null to fully disable.
"x": 0.0,
"y": 3.0,
"z": -2.0

timeDependencyDecimalPrecision The number of decimal places to show the time dependence to.
Must be between 0 and 99, inclusive
timeDependencyDecimalOffset Which power of 10 to multiply the time dependence by (time dependence is from 0 - 1).
Must be between 0 and 38, inclusive
Judgments The list of Judgments that can be used to customize the udgments in general. Uses Judgment objects.
More info below.
beforeCutAngleJudgments The list that can be used to customize the Judgments for the part of the swing before cutting the block (score is from 0 - 70).
Format token: %B
Uses JudgmentSegments objects.
More info below.
accuracyJudgments The list that can be used to customize the Judgments for the accuracy of the cut. How close was the cut to the center of the block? (score is from 0 - 15).
Format token: %C
Uses JudgmentSegments objects.
More info below.
afterCutAngleJudgments The list that can be used to customize the Judgments for the part of the swing after cutting the block (score is from 0 - 30).
Format token: %A
Uses JudgmentSegments.
More info below.
timeDependencyJudgments The list that can be used to customize the Judgments for the time dependence (value is from 0 - 1).
Format token: %T
Uses TimeDependenceJudgmentSegments.
More info below.
chainHeadJudgments The list that can be used to customize the Judgments for the new chain block heads. Uses Judgment objects. More info below.
chainLinkDisplay The judgment that will display when hitting the links of the chain block. threshold and fade don't do anything here because the links are a static score. Uses Judgment objects. More info below.

Important info

  • The text property of Judgment, JudgmentSegment, and TimeDependenceJudgmentSegment all have support for TextMeshPro formatting!.
  • The order of Judgments and JudgmentSegments in the list doesn't matter anymore from version 3.0.0 and onwards. However, it's still advised to keep a descending order if you plan on targetting older versions of HSV as well.
  • chainHeadJudgments and chainLinkDisplay are not required in configs for backwards compatibility, and configs without them will simply not affect the displayed scores for those types of notes.

Format tokens

Token Explanation / Info
%b The score contributed by the swing before cutting the block.
%c The score contributed by the accuracy of the cut.
%a The score contributed by the part of the swing after cutting the block.
%t The time dependence of the swing. This value indicates how depedent the accuracy part of the score is upon when you hit the block, measured from 0 - 1. A value of 0 indicates a completely time independent swing, while a value of 1 indicates that the accuracy part of the score would vary greatly if the block was hit even slightly earlier or later.
%B, %C, %A, %T Uses the Judgment text that matches the threshold as specified in either beforeCutAngleJudgments, accuracyJudgments, afterCutAngleJudgments, or timeDependencyJudgments (depending on the used token).
%s The total score of the cut.
%p The percentage of the total score of the cut out of the maximum possible.
%% A literal percent symbol.
%n A newline.

Judgments explanation

Property name(s) Explanation / Info Example or possible values
threshold The threshold that defines whether this Judgment will be used for a given score. The Judgment will be used if it is the one with the highest threshold that's either equal or smaller than the score the given hit score. It can also be omitted when it's the Judgment for the lowest scores. 110
text The text to display (if Judgment text is enabled). This can contain the formatting tokens (explained later on) if displayMode is set to "format" "%BFantastic%A%n%s"
color An array that specifies the color. Consists of 4 floating numbers ranging between (inclusive) 0 and 1. Red, Green, Blue and Glow. [0, 0.5, 1, 0.75]
fade If true, the text color will be interpolated between this Judgment's color and the Judgment with the next highest threshold based on how close to the next threshold it is. true or false

JudgmentSegments explanation

Property name(s) Explanation / Info Example or possible values
threshold The threshold that defines whether this JudgmentSegment will be used for a given score. The JudgmentSegment will be used if it is the one with the highest threshold that's either equal or smaller than the score of the given part. It can also be omitted for the JudgmentSegment for the lowest scores. 30
text The text to display.
Remark: Format tokens can't be used in this text... or better, they can be used, but won't be replaced with the actual value.

TimeDependenceJudgmentSegments explanation

Property name(s) Explanation / Info Example or possible values
threshold The threshold that defines whether this TimeDependenceJudgmentSegment will be used for a given time dependence. The TimeDependenceJudgmentSegment will be used if it is the one with the highest threshold that's either equal or smaller than the given time dependence. It can also be omitted for the TimeDependenceJudgmentSegment for the lowest time dependences. 0.5
text The text to display.
Remark: Format tokens can't be used in this text... or better, they can be used, but won't be replaced with the actual value.

Useful links

HSV Config Creator by @MoreOwO: A program that helps you create configs for HSV.


Credit where credit is due:


Beat Saber plugin that colors the scores that pop up when you hit notes






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