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Unitree Go1 and Go2 in Isaac Sim

Implementation of Unitree Go1 and Go2 in Isaac Sim including:

  • RL Controller for both quadrupeds
  • Lidar, IMU, Odometry and Camera Image Data publisher via ROS2
  • different Lidar configuration available (Ouster OS1 and Unitree L1)
  • Quadrupeds controllable via Keyboard and ROS2 commands
  • different environments (office, park, warehouse)

System requirements and installation

You need to install:

  1. Ubuntu 22.04
  2. Nvidia Isaac Sim 2023.1.1
  3. Ros2 Humble
  4. Nvidia Orbit 0.3.0

Full instruction:

After installation of Nvidia Isaac Sim 2023.1.1 and Ros2 Humble:

  1. Clone this specific IsaacLab repo version:
  2. Execute in ubuntu terminal:
export ISAACSIM_PATH="${HOME}/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-2023.1.1"

and also put it inside .bashrc file

  1. Inside the root folder of Orbit repo ( execute ln -s ${ISAACSIM_PATH} _isaac_sim
  2. Execute ./ --conda
  3. Execute conda activate orbit
  4. Execute sudo apt install cmake build-essential
  5. Execute ./ --install
  6. Execute ./ --extra rsl_rl
  7. Verify the installation using "python source/standalone/tutorials/00_sim/" You should be inside conda env.
  8. You need to check that you have "Isaac Sim Python 2023.1.1 - New Stage*" on the top of the window.
  9. Clone this repo with git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 --depth=1
  10. Copy the config file Unitree_L1.json (located in "Lidar config files") for the Unitree L1 LiDAR to the folder IsaacLab-0.3.1/source/data/sensors/lidar/Unitree_L1.json (if the path doesnt exists, create it)
  11. Copy all material files in the isaac-sim-2023.1.1/data/material_files folder to IsaacLab_v0.3.1/source/data/material_files (if the path doesnt exists, create it)
  12. Execute ./ (without activated conda orbit env)

Some suggestions:

  1. You need to check nvidia-smi, it should work, before installing Isaac Sim
  2. You need to install Miniconda and execute: conda config --set auto_activate_base false
  3. Install Omniverse launcher and then install Isaac Sim.
  4. You need to install ROS2 on your system and configure it:


The current project was tested on Ubuntu 22.04, IsaacSim 2023.1.1 with IsaacLab 0.3.1 and Nvidia Driver Version: 550. To start the project, execute:


You can control the quadruped robot using "WASD, Q and E" keyboard commands. Change the file for Unitree Go1 or Go2 and different environments.

With the repo can the published PointCloud be modified, to fit the PointXYZIRC type which Autoware needs.

Select custom env

To use predifined custom envs, you need to download files from and place them to /envs folder. Then you can execute it modifying script with --custom_env=office commands.