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Polydodo mobile client

web client web client web client

This mobile app receives, scores, saves and aggregates sleep sequences. Unlike the web application, this app can save sleep sequences for later consultation and display the aggregated results of several nights of sleep on a dashboard. Also, it will guide the user from the installation of the electrodes, until the end of their data acquisition. It does not require the use of OpenBCI GUI since it directly interfaces with the OpenBCI board.

In the case of the Cyton, this is done using the serial protocol via an OTG cable that is plugged into the phone and with the Cyton Dongle plugged in. In the case of the Ganglion, the connection is made by bluetooth.

Development Framework

We are using Flutter which is a high-level framework for mobile development. The speed of development and the possibility to develop a cross-platform product (Android and iOS) from a single code repository without sacrificing performance has been the determining factor in the use of this technology. Flutter uses the Dart language which is typed and compiled.

Targeted Platform

We target Android as our only platform. While development frameworks like Flutter allow these two platforms to be targeted using a single source code, there are some small tasks and extra attention that should be paid in this regard. If it becomes worth it, we will also target iOS in the future.

Getting Started


  • Install the latest stable version of flutter.
  • Install the latest stable version of Android Studio.
    • Android Studio is a great tool as it installs the required Android SDK, but also provides an Android Virtual Device manager which allows you to emulate an android device.


First, at the root of the mobile/ folder, download the required dependencies using:

flutter pub get

Prior to build execute build-runner to generate the app's routes.

flutter packages pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

You now have the option to run the app on an emulator or on a live device. If you wish to run the app on a live device, you will need to use Android Debug Bridge.

Once you have an emulator setup or a connection to your live device, you can now run the app using:

flutter run

If you are using Microsoft's Visual Studio Code IDE, build & Launch configurations are already setted for you. Head to the Run tab and run the Mobile debug option.

Learn more

Refer to the wiki pages to learn more about our mobile app project.