This document defines ASCII Art model format for Faclig.
Current version is 0.1.0
Using semantics versioning 2.0.0.
The model is consist of two kind of files:
faclig format
file, which contains metadata and infos how to construct models from partspart
file, which actually just Shgif file
This file defines:
- name of the model
- author of the model
- version of model format
part information
Yaml format is:
name: <name of the model, Text>
author: <name of the creater, Text>
version: <version number, Text>
parts: # describe this below
name: haskell girl
author: Cj.BC_SD a.k.a Cj-bc
version: 0.1.0
Part information
- which file does hold part A Shgif?
- How much offset does part A need?
offset is List of Two Int.
It specify where to render the part.
First one is X offset, 2nd is Y offset.
If the list is longer than 2, they'll be just discarded.
The Left-Top coordinate is (0, 0)
Yaml format is:
path: <Path_to_the_shgif, Text>
offset: [] <Offset of the part, [Int, Int]>
Example, 'leftEye' part:
path: "leftEye.yaml"
offset: [0, 0]
Currently, 7 parts are defined and required.
part name | description |
contour | Face contour, in other word, face basement |
leftEye | Left eye |
rightEye | Right eye |
nose | Nose |
mouth | Mouth |
hair | front hair |
backHair | back hair, which will be rendered behind contour |
Part file is just Shgif file for each part.
Please refer to Cj-bc/brick-shgif -- docs/ for the format.
Currently(at 2020/03/12) faclig use v1.0.0
definition of Shgif.