RSM stores information about your server needed to function. Below is a list of all data stored:
- The server ID
- When RSM joined the server
- What the server is logging
- What channel logs go to
- What channel staff messages go to
- What users to ignore logs for
- What roles to ignore logs for
- What channels to ignore logs for
- If bots should be logged or not
- If RSM is enabled
- The role given for verifying
- The message to send when someone joins
- The channel to send a message in when someone joins
- The role to give when someone joins
- If the server is deleting invites
- Who can send invites
- Roles that can send invites
- Channels where invites can be sent
- What servers invites can link to
- If images are deleted for being too small
- If NSFW images are deleted
- Roles the word filter does not apply to
- Members the word filter does not apply to
- Channels the word filter does not apply to
- How long members must be in the server before the word filter does not apply to them
- The list of words to ban (strict)
- The list of words to ban (soft)
- The punishment for having a nickname with a banned word
- The category for modmail
- The maximum amount of modmail tickets per user
- The mention when a new ticket is created
- The custom prefix(es) of the bot
- The servers tags
- The role given to muted members
If verification is used, additional information is stored about the user. The complete list is below:
- The users ID
- The ID of the role given when verified
- The name of the role given when verified
- The servers ID
- The servers icon URL
- The servers member count
- The code the url should contain
If mutes are used, additional information is stored about the mute. The complete list is below:
- The user muted
- The moderator who muted the user
- The reason for muting
- When the user will be unmuted
- The server they are muted in
- The ID of the mute
- The type of mute