- Spend some time in iex looking at the functions for
Map, List, Keyword. For example, type in Map and then
and then hit tab. Read the doc for some eg:h List.delete
- Create a list with six star wars characters
- Get the third item out of the list
- Create another list with three characters
- bonus, make them atoms and at least one a tuple of atoms
- Create a third list that contains both previous lists
- Delete the seventh character
- Add one more character to the list
- use 'in' to check that a character exists
Create a map with at least two key/value pairs. Some suggested ones are :name, :side. alliance should be :rebel or :imperial
Print out the name and the side values
Add a weight to each character
Update the alliance to its opposite
Create a LOM: list of maps of three characters
Update or replace the second item in the list with 'Jabba the Hutt' and :scum or :criminal as the side