import React from 'react'
import { AppHeader } from '../layouts/app_header'
import { PageTitle } from '../content/page_title'
export const NoteDetails = (props) => {
pageTitle = <PageTitle title={"Note Details"} />
return <div id="app-container" className="l-app-full-height l-app-centered">
<AppHeader middleCol={pageTitle} />
<div id="main-content">
{"Note details content."}
import { NoteDetailsPage } from '/imports/components/pages/note_details'
FlowRouter.route('/notes/:_id', {
name: 'noteDetails',
action() {
mount(HomepageContainer, {
content: (props) => <NoteDetailsPage {...props} />
Notice that we are using the HomepageContainer. This is temporary until we actually start passing data into the note details page, at which point we'll create its own container.
Try inserting a note id into your url. You can get this from the Mongo console or from Mongol.
eg. http://localhost:3000/notes/NdNvRmEj2Rus3Nt3o
If everything is hooked up properly you should see the placeholder page we created.