Next, let's display note content.
We'll create an EditableContent component that display content in view mode by default and then switches to edit mode on click/tap. if there is no content, we'll display a clickable message Clicking on the message displays the content editor.
We now want to be able to exit the content editor and display our notes in view mode. Additionally, we want to be able to click on the viewer to return to edit mode.
First, let's create a component we can use to view note content. This content will make the content editable by clicking/tapping on, hence the name.
import React from 'react'
export class EditableContent extends React.Component {
this.state = {
editMode: this.props.editMode
this.setState({ editMode: !this.state.editMode })
noContentMsg = "Empty note.",
isEmpty = contentValue === "",
displayedContent = isEmpty? noContentMsg : contentValue
return <span className="clickable" onClick={this.toggleEditMode.bind(this)}>{displayedContent}</span>
render() {
return this.state.editMode?
<div>{"Content editor placeholder"}</div>
EditableContent.propTypes = {
contentValue: React.PropTypes.string.isRequired,
editMode: React.PropTypes.bool
EditableContent.defaultProps = {
editMode: false
is this the first actual React Component we've created?
Discuss components and state.
Discuss what we did above, eg that we are checking for if content is empty.
import { EditableContent } from '../content/editable_content'
import { LoadingFeedback } from '../utility/loading_feedback'
export const NoteDetailsPage = (props) => {
noteContent = () => props.subsReady? <EditableContent contentValue={props.note.content} /> : <LoadingFeedback />
return <div id="app-container" className="l-app-full-height l-app-centered">
<div id="main-content">
Similarly to on the homepage, we need to check if subscriptions are ready before displaying the content.