- Browse to https://developer.theexchange.fanniemae.com. (Google Chrome recommended).
- Click “Sign Up”. Create account. Password must be 8 characters with at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 special character from the following list: !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *.
- You will receive an email with subject “The Exchange Account Confirmation”. Click on the confirmation link from within the email. The link will be formatted as https://developer.theexchange.fanniemae.com/account/confirmation/<6-digit-code>.
- Login using the email address you used to register and the password you created. Note: If you are having issues confirming, navigate to the confirmation page https://developer.theexchange.fanniemae.com/account/confirmation. Enter the email address you used to register and <6-digit-code> included in the URL.
The site contains several key pages to help you learn about and interact with The Exchange™.
- Home – provides an overview of The Exchange as well as a link to sign up, navigate to the APIs and associated Documentation.
- Apps – our self-service data visualization tool for quick analysis and insights.
- APIs – provides links to primary products – with Overview, Documentation, and Data Visualization for each. The Overview Page contains information on the specifics of the data with data dictionaries. The Documentation Page displays the associated APIs for either Manufactured Housing or Housing Pulse data. The Data Visualization Page provides a sample data visualization.
- Documentation – provides information on API operations and the ability to interact with the API through the swagger overlay.
- Account Profile – access your User Token, update account details and change your password.
- Log in and navigate to Documentation and click on one of the primary APIs.
- Copy and paste the curl command as a guide on how to begin programmatically with the API. This contains your User Token. The User Token is set to expire every 60 minutes.
- Note: As long as you remain logged into the site, your user token will be automatically refreshed.
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