Introduces the basic use cases of Ansible followed by an introduction to Ansible Inventory, Playbooks, Modules, Variables, Conditionals, Loops and Roles. Each section is accompanied by a set of coding case point showing my hands-on experience in development and application usage in an Ansible envirnonment.
This project shows:
- Introduction to Ansible
- Introduction to YAML and Hands-on Exercises
- Build Ansible Playbook Files with Hands-on Exercises
- Build Ansible Inventory Files with Hands-on Exercises
- Automate provisioning and web server deployment
In this project I will create:
- Ansible Inventory
- Ansible Playbooks
- Ansible Modules
- Ansible Variables
- Ansible Conditionals
- Ansible Loops and Roles
Ansible is a powerful tool for automation to the provision of the target environment and to then deploy the application. It helps you with configuration management, application deployment, task automation, and also IT orchestration. It can run tasks in a sequence and create a chain of events happening on different servers or devices.
It's simple, powerful, and agentless providing provisioning, config management, continuous delivery, application deployment, and security compliance!
Ansible's natural automation language allows sysadmins, developers, and IT managers to complete automation projects in hours, not weeks.
Ansible uses SSH by default instead of requiring agents everywhere. Avoid extra open ports, improve security, eliminate "managing the management", and reclaim CPU cycles.
Ansible automates app deployment, configuration management, workflow orchestration, and even cloud provisioning all from one system.
- Ansible
- Oracle VMware VirtualBox
- CentOS
- Linux Administrator Skills
This is a sample e-commerce application built for learning purposes.
Here's how to deploy it on CentOS systems:
Install FirewallD
sudo yum install -y firewalld sudo service firewalld start sudo systemctl enable firewalld
Install MariaDB
sudo yum install -y mariadb-server sudo vi /etc/my.cnf sudo service mariadb start sudo systemctl enable mariadb
Configure firewall for Database
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=3306/tcp sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Configure Database
$ mysql MariaDB > CREATE DATABASE ecomdb; MariaDB > CREATE USER 'ecomuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ecompassword'; MariaDB > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO 'ecomuser'@'localhost'; MariaDB > FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
ON a multi-node setup remember to provide the IP address of the web server here: 'ecomuser'@'web-server-ip'
4.Load Product Inventory Information to database
Create the db-load-script.sql
cat > db-load-script.sql <<-EOF
USE ecomdb;
CREATE TABLE products (id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,Name varchar(255) default NULL,Price varchar(255) default NULL, ImageUrl varchar(255) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id)) AUTO_INCREMENT=1;
INSERT INTO products (Name,Price,ImageUrl) VALUES ("Laptop","100","c-1.png"),("Drone","200","c-2.png"),("VR","300","c-3.png"),("Tablet","50","c-5.png"),("Watch","90","c-6.png"),("Phone Covers","20","c-7.png"),("Phone","80","c-8.png"),("Laptop","150","c-4.png");
Run sql script
mysql < db-load-script.sql
- Install required packages
sudo yum install -y httpd php php-mysql
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
- Configure httpd
Change DirectoryIndex index.html to DirectoryIndex index.php to make the php page the default page
sudo sed -i 's/index.html/index.php/g' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- Start httpd
sudo service httpd start
sudo systemctl enable httpd
- Download code
sudo yum install -y git
git clone /var/www/html/
- Update index.php
Update index.php file to connect to the right database server. In this case localhost since the database is on the same server.
sudo sed -i 's/' /var/www/html/index.php
$link = mysqli_connect('', 'ecomuser', 'ecompassword', 'ecomdb');
if ($link) {
$res = mysqli_query($link, "select * from products;");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) { ?>
> ON a multi-node setup remember to provide the IP address of the database server here.
sudo sed -i 's/' /var/www/html/index.php
- Test
curl http://localhost
Ansible Playbook Project Solution - Is a working Ansinble playbook in yaml form that will do all of the above.
Deploy-Configure-Database 1-2.png - Installing MariaDB
Deploy-Configure-Database 2-2.png - Checking if MariaDB was installed correctly and is working
Deploy-Configure-Database 3-1.png - Configure firewall for Database(port 3306)
Deploy-Configure-Database 3-2.png - Configuring Database and creating ecomdb and ecomuser with all permissions
Deploy-Configure-Database 4-1.png - Load Product Inventory Information to database and Create the db-load-script.sql. We then run the sql script
Deploy-Configure-Web 1-1.png - Installing the required packages(php-mysql)
Deploy-Configure-Web 1-2.png - Configuring the firewall(port 80 http)
Deploy-Configure-Web 2-1.png - Checking if Apache HTTP Server was installed correctly and is working
Deploy-Configure-Web 4-1.png - Installing Git and and cloning repositry to appropriate location
Deploy-Configure-Web 5-1.png - Configure httpd and changing the DirectoryIndex index.html to DirectoryIndex index.php to make the php page the default page
Deploy-Configure-Web 5-2.png - Checking if data was inserted correctly into the table using the appropriate sql script on MariaDb
Deploy-Pre-Requisites 1-1.png - Installing FirewallD
Deploy-Pre-Requisites 1-2.png - Start and enable Firewalld to automatically start when the system reboots
Deploy-Pre-Requisites 1-3.png - Checking if firewall for database was installed correctly and is working
Big thank you to Mumshad Mannambeth and KloudKode for this project and course. Be sure to visit their repository below for further information. Credits below.
[1] KloudKode (2022) learning-app-ecommerce [].