Codrut Fluent Design System is a suite of components made to mimic the Interface of Windows 11, the Fluent Design System, This is not to be confused with CodrutsVisualLibrary, as that is ajust a suite of independent components
The component package is not at a state where it can be considered finished without encountering bugs. This package has advanced to Its Beta Stage.
- Minimise Panel, a Panel that is able to minimise itself with a optional animation, works best with DoubleBuffered and for more panels, use Align.alTop
- Panel, a TPanel component with inproved features and the ability to sync to the System Color Theme
- Button, a powerfull button in the Fluent Design style, customizable with custom colors, shapes, button types, long presses, 2-states, checkable, dropdown, and more. It can also be aligned Vertically and Horizontalle, and the Icon as well
- ButtonDesign, a very customizable and advanced button from CodrutsVisualLibrary with inproved features, can be styled multiple ways, icon support, gradient, accent color sync, align, subtext, automatic font sizing and more
- Radio Button, a radio button component with multiple aligmnets
- Scrollbar, a simple scrollbar that minimised itself to a line when not in use
- Scrollbox, a modern scrollbox that uses the modern scrollbars
- Selector, a component which allows to select between multiple options with a animation when switching
- Checkbox, a animated checkbox that supports 3 states
- Edit Box, a flue edit box with vertical alignment support
- Standard icon, a drawable TGraphicControl icon component that has multiple icons
- IconV iew, a simple icon view control that relies on the FXIcon class for drawing & storing. Very lightweight
- Slider, a slider with tick support, hint previews and more features
- Blur Material, a acrilic blur box that can be drawn from the wallaper or a screenshot of the screen. Great for Windows Fluent Design System like apps
- Popup Menu, it supports (FXIconSelect) icons and can have multiple sub-menus, It used a acrylic effect for the background with a accent colored border. It also has Checkable items, Radio Items, separators and as mentioned before, It can go infinite layers deep
- Text Box, a simple Label-Like component with more features. It also has a few components dependent on the base class
- Animated Text Box, a label box with the ability to animate from a TStringList of values
- Scroll Text, a box with scrolling text. The fade size, fade width and animation speed can be adjusted
- Progress Bar, a simple animated progress bar with 4 different styles
- ImageList, a work-in-progress component that can hold images
- Simple shapes, such as Square, Circle, Triangle and more planned in the future
- Linear Draw List, a list with a number of elements that are all drawn in a Notify Event given, the layouts are calculated automatically and you can provide a custom Content Justification and orientation.
- Linear Control List, a linear draw list that accepts CFX controls, similar to a TControlList but more customizable in terms of layout and custom drawing.
- Effects, you can overlay effects onto controls. Effects can be Blur, Monocrome, Invert, Deepfry, Color, Zoom and more!
- Layout, which is a component container for storing other controls inside
- Scrollable Layout, is another layout-based control but with two scrollbars for scrolling the control.
- Codrut Printing -
- File Sync Manager - (work in progress)
- Create a new VCL Application in Delphi

Include all required Unit Files The required unit files are:
Change Main Form class to FXForm

Place some components You can add any components from the Palette. They are grouped under
CFX Main
,CFX Animations
andCFX Utils
. -
Adding the Application Manager (
) fromCFX Utils
The App Manager is an optional feature for your application that automatically creates a AppData directory for your application and saves the location on screen where the form was closed, and re-loads that on startup. It can also start an automatic update check for you sending a POST request to the APIEndpoint provided provided under the following format:
And It expects a result in the format of
"updateurl":"" // optional
- Include additional units (optional) Some of the most usefull units to use are:
, For dialogs and the classes for each typeCFX.QuickDialogs
, For executing a quick dialog, with procedures asOpenMessage()
, This unit contains all classes for Full-Screen dialogs. Such as confirmations, status
The following images are ALPHA versions of the component suite, the components are expected to change in the future.