jupyter | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Points in 3D space shall be given unique names:
Coordinate frames shall be given unique names:
Position vector notion matches Stevens & Lewis. That is, the position vector of point
Symbol | Variable |
trueAtoBposF |
trueAtoBposFx |
trueAtoBposFy |
trueAtoBposFz |
If the point from which the position is measured is equal to the origin of the frame in which the vector is expressed, it need not be called out explicitly:
Symbol | Variable |
trueBPosF |
trueBposFx |
trueBposFy |
trueBposFz |
Expressing unit vectors in their own frame is easy. For example, the 1st unit vector (the position of a point at 1.0 units along the
Symbol | Variable |
trueFxUnitVec |
trueFyUnitVec |
trueFzUnitVec |
Expressing them in another frame requires some additional language. The same vectors, expressed in frame
Symbol | Variable |
trueFxUnitVecG |
trueFyUnitVecG |
trueFzUnitVecG |
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
iUnitVec = np.array([[1],[0],[0]])
jUnitVec = np.array([[0],[1],[0]])
kUnitVec = np.array([[0],[0],[1]])
# Setup BaseNED origin and coordinate frame
trueBaseNEDxUnitVec = iUnitVec
trueBaseNEDyUnitVec = jUnitVec
trueBaseNEDzUnitVec = kUnitVec
The origin of this frame is the center of gravity (CG) of the flight vehicle. The position and attitude of this coordinate frame relative to others like BaseNED (N) will change over the course of flight.
Initialize with a position and orientation offset relative to BaseNED (N)
Symbol | Variable |
trueBodyPosBaseNED | |
trueRotBodyFromBaseNED | |
trueRotBaseNEDfromBody |
# Setup Body origin and coordinate frame
trueBodyXunitVec = iUnitVec
trueBodyYunitVec = jUnitVec
trueBodyZunitVec = kUnitVec
trueBodyPosBaseNED = np.array([[-3],[1],[0]])
#from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
#r = R.from_euler('y', -30, degrees=True)
#trueRotBodyFromBaseNED = r.as_matrix()
trueRotBodyFromBaseNED = np.array([[0.866,0,-0.5],[0,1,0],[0.5,0,0.866]])
trueRotBaseNEDfromBody = trueRotBodyFromBaseNED.transpose()
trueBodyXunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromBody@trueBodyXunitVec
trueBodyYunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromBody@trueBodyYunitVec
trueBodyZunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromBody@trueBodyZunitVec
# Apparently, matrix math in numpy requires the @ operator, not the * operator
The origin of this frame is a fixed point on the body of the flight vehicle. We track this frame separately from Body (B) because the origin of that frame, the center of gravity (CG), may move in flight as fuel is consumed. We also allow a rotational offset between this frame and Body (B) for maximum flexbility.
Initialize with a position and orientation offset relative to Body (B). Calculate that position and orientation offset with respect to the BaseNED (N) frame:
$$ \vec{r}^N_S = \vec{r}^N_{S/N} = \vec{r}^N_{S/B} + \vec{r}^N_{B/N} = \tilde{T}{N/B}\vec{r}^B{S/B} + \vec{r}^N_{B/N} = \tilde{T}_{N/B}\vec{r}^B_S + \vec{r}^N_B $$
$$ \tilde{T}{N/S} = \tilde{T}{N/B}\tilde{T}_{B/S} $$
Symbol | Variable |
trueStationPosBody | |
trueStationPosBaseNED | |
trueBodyToStationPosBaseNED | |
trueRotStationFromBody | |
trueRotBodyFromStation | |
trueRotBaseNEDfromStation |
Also, calculate the opposite position offset vector. The location of the Body (B) origin in the Station (S) frame:
$$ \vec{r}^S_B = \vec{r}^S_{B/S} = \tilde{T}{S/B}\vec{r}^B{B/S} = \tilde{T}{S/B}(-\vec{r}^B{S/B}) = -\tilde{T}_{S/B}\vec{r}^B_S $$
Symbol | Variable |
trueBodyPosStation | |
trueStationToBodyPosBody |
# Setup Station origin and coordinate frame
trueStationXunitVec = iUnitVec
trueStationYunitVec = jUnitVec
trueStationZunitVec = kUnitVec
trueStationPosBody = np.array([[4],[0],[0]])
trueStationPosBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromBody@trueStationPosBody + trueBodyPosBaseNED
#from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
#r = R.from_euler('y', 180, degrees=True)
#trueRotStationFromBody = r.as_matrix()
trueRotStationFromBody = np.array([[-1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,-1]])
trueRotBodyFromStation = trueRotStationFromBody.transpose()
trueRotBaseNEDfromStation = trueRotBaseNEDfromBody@trueRotBodyFromStation
trueBodyPosStation = -trueRotStationFromBody@trueStationPosBody
trueStationXunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromStation@trueStationXunitVec
trueStationYunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromStation@trueStationYunitVec
trueStationZunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromStation@trueStationZunitVec
This coordinate frame tracks how the stationary part of the gimbal is mounted onto the airframe. The origin is at the center of rotation of the gimbal, which is almost never the origin of the Body (B) or Station (S) frames.
Initialize with a position and orientation offset relative to Station (S). Calculate that position and orientation offset with respect to the BaseNED (N) frame:
$$ \vec{r}^N_H = \vec{r}^N_{H/N} = \vec{r}^N_{H/S}+\vec{r}^N_{S/B}+\vec{r}^N_{B/N} = \vec{r}^N_{H/S}-\vec{r}^N_{B/S}+\vec{r}^N_{B/N} = \tilde{T}{N/S}\vec{r}^S{H/S}-\tilde{T}{N/S}\vec{r}^S{B/S}+\vec{r}^N_{B/N} = \tilde{T}{N/S}\vec{r}^S_H-\tilde{T}{N/S}\vec{r}^S_B+\vec{r}^N_B = \tilde{T}_{N/S}(\vec{r}^S_H-\vec{r}^S_B)+\vec{r}^N_B $$
$$ \tilde{T}{N/H} = \tilde{T}{N/B}\tilde{T}{B/S}\tilde{T}{S/H} $$
Symbol | Variable |
trueHousingPosStation | |
trueHousingPosBaseNED | |
trueStationToHousingPosBaseNED | |
trueBodyToStationPosBaseNED | |
trueStationToBodyPosBaseNED | |
trueRotHousingFromStation | |
trueRotStationFromHousing |
# Setup Housing origin and coordinate frame
trueHousingXunitVec = iUnitVec
trueHousingYunitVec = jUnitVec
trueHousingZunitVec = kUnitVec
trueHousingPosStation = np.array([[1.5],[0],[0]])
trueHousingPosBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromStation@(trueHousingPosStation - trueBodyPosStation) + trueBodyPosBaseNED
#from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
#r = R.from_euler('yz', [180, 30], degrees=True)
#trueRotHousingFromStation = r.as_matrix()
trueRotHousingFromStation = np.array([[-0.866,-0.5,0],[-0.5,0.866,0],[0,0,-1]])
trueRotStationFromHousing = trueRotHousingFromStation.transpose()
trueRotBaseNEDfromHousing = trueRotBaseNEDfromBody@trueRotBodyFromStation@trueRotStationFromHousing
trueHousingXunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromHousing@trueHousingXunitVec
trueHousingYunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromHousing@trueHousingYunitVec
trueHousingZunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromHousing@trueHousingZunitVec
Initialized with a position offset relative to BaseNED (N)
Calculating position vectors from the origins of other coordinate frames to the Target (T):
Symbol | Variable |
trueTgtPosBaseNED | |
trueBodyToTgtPosBaseNED | |
trueStationToTgtPosBaseNED | |
trueBodyToBaseNEDposBaseNED | |
trueStationToBaseNEDposBaseNED |
# Setup Target position
trueTgtPosBaseNED = np.array([[1],[-2],[2]])
trueBodyToTgtPosBaseNED = trueTgtPosBaseNED - trueBodyPosBaseNED
trueStationToTgtPosBaseNED = trueTgtPosBaseNED - trueStationPosBaseNED
trueHousingToTgtPosBaseNED = trueTgtPosBaseNED - trueHousingPosBaseNED
This coordinate frame tracks how the rotating part of the gimbal (which often has something like a sensor mounted to it) is oriented relative to the Housing (H) frame. By definition, the origin of this frame is collocated with the origin of the Housing (H) frame at the center of rotation of the gimbal platform. That is, in any frame
Symbol | Variable |
trueHousingPosF = trueGimbalPosF = trueGimbalPosF |
There can be an angular offset between this frame and the Housing (H) frame:
Symbol | Variable |
trueRotGimbalFromHousing | |
trueRotHousingFromGimbal |
Tracking this angular offset is the purpose of any gimbal model (any model that extends the Gimbal
base class.
Consider a mathematically simple, although tactically useless, gimbal model in which the Gimbal (G) is stuck at a fixed orientation a few degrees away from boresight of the Housing (H) frame in both azimuth and elevation.
# Setup Gimbal coordinate frame
trueGimbalXunitVec = iUnitVec
trueGimbalYunitVec = jUnitVec
trueGimbalZunitVec = kUnitVec
trueGimbalPosStation = trueHousingPosStation
trueGimbalPosBaseNED = trueHousingPosBaseNED
#from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
#r = R.from_euler('yz', [15, 10], degrees=True)
#trueRotGimbalFromHousing = r.as_matrix()
trueRotGimbalFromHousing = np.array(\
[[ 0.95125124, -0.17364818, 0.254887 ],\
[ 0.16773126, 0.98480775, 0.04494346],\
[-0.25881905, 0. , 0.96592583]])
trueRotHousingFromGimbal = trueRotGimbalFromHousing.transpose()
trueRotBaseNEDfromGimbal = trueRotBaseNEDfromHousing@trueRotHousingFromGimbal
trueGimbalXunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromGimbal@trueGimbalXunitVec
trueGimbalYunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromGimbal@trueGimbalYunitVec
trueGimbalZunitVecBaseNED = trueRotBaseNEDfromGimbal@trueGimbalZunitVec
%matplotlib notebook
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection="3d")
ax.quiver(0,0,0,trueBaseNEDxUnitVec[0],trueBaseNEDxUnitVec[1],trueBaseNEDxUnitVec[2],label='BaseNED (i)')
ax.quiver(0,0,0,trueBaseNEDyUnitVec[0],trueBaseNEDyUnitVec[1],trueBaseNEDyUnitVec[2],label='BaseNED (j)',linestyle='--')
ax.quiver(0,0,0,trueBaseNEDzUnitVec[0],trueBaseNEDzUnitVec[1],trueBaseNEDzUnitVec[2],label='BaseNED (k)',linestyle=':')
In some cases, an ideal gimbal would always point at the target. We can use other geometric terms to calculate the rotational offset between the Gimbal (G) and Housing (H) frames that achieves this goal...