Potential future improvements for the plugin, some from users and some thunk up all on my own :)
- Add a warning option to blink or dim the lights when time is about to run out so the person knows it's happening
- Add a maximum time on so the device cannot stay on for more than this amount of time
- Allow "and"/"or" grouping for conditions (this will actually be added to the main core engine in the near future so we only need to add the additional fields in the plugin)
- Clear condition devices when conditions no longer apply, otherwise they continue to be watched and get hidden (this happend with Vera when I disabled the plugin)
- Add integration for excluding HBB devices from the list
- Error: Exception in plugin.processCommand line 154: unexpected EOF while parsing (, line 0) CODE: autoOffTimes = ast.literal_eval (parent.states["autoOffTimes"])