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202 lines (172 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (172 loc) · 12.4 KB


Actions Status MyGet License: MIT

Frends tasks to download, upload and list files for AWS S3 flat file storage.


You can install the task via FRENDS UI Task View or you can find the nuget package from the following nuget feed ''



All tasks use the same Parameters-tab. If AwsCredentials is set, AwsAccessKeyId and AwsSecretAccessKey are ignored.

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
BucketName String S3 Buckets name, #env-variable use is encouraged. s3-bucket
AwsAccessKeyId String (secret) S3 Access Key, #env-variable use is encouraged. AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
AwsSecretAccessKey String (secret) S3 Access Key, #env-variable use is encouraged. wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
AwsCredentials dynamic Used ONLY for GetTemporaryCredentialsTask result. If set, other keys are ignored. #result[Get Temporary Credentials]
Region Selector Location for S3 bucket, select from dropdown-list. EUWest1
UseDefaultCredentials bool If set to true, credentials are loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. false
ThrowExceptionOnErrorResponse bool If set true, task throws error when upload was not successful true


Simulates Windows-style folder structure. Can download subdirectories.

DownloadFiles Input

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
SourceDirectory string S3 Directory prefix, prefix/another
SearchPattern string Filemask to match files with *, *.*, *test*.csv
DestinationPath string Local path to download files to c:\temp, \\network\path

DownloadFiles Options

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
DownloadFromCurrentDirectoryOnly bool To download from subdirectories, set to false. true
DeleteSourceFile bool If set to true, moves files from S3 to local (deletes sourcefiles) false
Overwrite bool If set to true, overwrites local files. false
ThrowErrorIfNoMatches bool If search pattern does not find match any files, throw error. true

DownloadFiles Result

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
Result List<string> List of filepaths to downloaded files. c:\download\file.csv


Upload gets files based on directory and filemask, uploads them to S3 using the same filename to a specific directory. Optionally moves instead of copy, can do recursive matching and can preserver folder structure.

UploadFiles Input

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
FilePath string Filepath to upload files from. C:\upload, \\network\folder\
FileMask string Filename or wildcards (eg. *.txt) *.*, filename.csv
S3Directory string Root directory in S3. folder/{{DateTime.Now}}
S3CannedACL bool Enable S3CannedACL selection false
CannedACL Selector Selection of S3CannedACL permissions, visible if S3CannedACL enabled Private

UploadFiles Options

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
UploadFromCurrentDirectoryOnly Boolean Set to false to search files from subdirectories. true
PreserveFolderStructure Boolean If used in conjunction with UploadFromCurrentDirectoryOnly, subdirectories will be created. false
Overwrite Boolean Overwrites files in S3. false
DeleteSource Boolean Deletes local files after transfer false
ThrowErrorIfNoMatch Boolean If no files match the FilePath and FileMask supplied, throw error. true
ReturnListOfObjectKeys Boolean You can choose to return the keys uploaded or filenames with path uploaded. true

UploadFiles Result

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
UploadedFiles List<string> List of file keys or filepaths. c:\upload\file.csv, object/prefix/file.csv
DebugLog string Debug log of the file transfer. Some log data


Lists files from S3. You can choose to return full response or just object keys. Returns an JObject data structure. Keys are in ["S3Objects"]-array.

ListObjectsAsync Input

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
Prefix String Prefix to list files from. Leave empty for root. "", prefix, prefix/key.csv
Delimiter String Limits the list to a character. Leave empty for all files. "", /, /20001010/
MaxKeys Integer Limits the result list. 100, 1, 99999999
StartAfter String Start listing after specified key (eg. date if filenames are organised with dates). Can be empty. "", object/prefix/key
ContinuationToken String If list is truncated (eg. MaxKeys is reached), response contains ContinuationToken. You can use this token to resume list. Can be empty. 1ueGcxLPRx1Tr/XYExHnhbYLgveDs2J/wm36HyEXAMPLE=

ListObjectsAsync Options

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
FullResponse Boolean Choose between list of files as JObject or full response as JObject. true

ListObjectsAsync Result

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
Result JObject List of file keys or full response with metadata. JObject { JArray("S3Objects"), JProperty }


Gets temporary credentials. All fields must be set. The result of this task is Credentials-object, that contains AccessKey, SecretAccessKey, Token and Duration. You can use the result as a parameter for the other Tasks in Parameters/Credentials-field.

GetTemporaryCredentialsAsync Input

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
RoleArn String Role, which to assume. arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AssumerRole
CredentialExternalId String Predetermined id for 3rd parties. Foobar
CredentialUniqueRequestId String ID used to track requests in AWS Foobar_Request_{GUID}
CredentialDurationSeconds Int How long the credentials last. Check AWS documentation and AWS configuration for min/max values. 3600

GetTemporaryCredentialsAsync Result

Property Type Description Example (comma separated)
Result Dynamic Object. Can be used directly in the AwsCredentials field in Parameters tab. Credentials { AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, Expiration, SessionToken }


MIT License.

Building from source

Clone a copy of the repo

git clone

Restore dependencies

nuget restore

Rebuild the project

(OPTIONAL) Run Tests with nunit3. Tests can be found under Integration tests require working S3 Bucket in a config.json fi


Create a nuget package

nuget pack nuspec/Frends.Community.AWS.nuspec


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone the project to your own machine
  3. Commit changes to your own branch
  4. Push your work back up to your fork
  5. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!


Version Changes
pre 1.0 pending
1.1.0 Updated version as 1.0.0 has already been used in some environments. Fixed typos.
1.1.6 Added feature to move files (deletes sources) to DownloadTask, better error messages.
1.1.7 Removed Frends.Task.Attributes, using DataAnnotations instead.
1.1.8 Proper tests.
1.2.0 Rewrote Upload-task for additional features and increased ease of use. No more async.
1.2.7 Added GetTemporaryCredentials task. Added Credentials-field to Parameters. It accepts the result of GetTemporaryCredentials task.
1.3.2 Now it is possible to call GetTemporaryCredentials also without AwsSecretAccessKey and AwsAccessKeyId. GetTemporaryCrednetials returns now dynamic.
1.3.3 Documentation update and relocating nuspec file.
1.3.4 Added new and removed old RegionEndpoints. Updated SDK.
1.3.6 Multitarget support (.Net Standard 2.0 and .Net Framework 4.7.1
1.3.8 Added UseDefaultCredentials option.
1.3.9 Added parameter ThrowExceptionOnErrorResponse, fixed issue: invalid credentials and unsuccessful upload threw no exception and added TestData for tests.
1.3.10 Added input parameter Canned Acl to change the ACL restriction of the uploaded object. Also Added boolean value enabling the cannedAcl.
1.3.11 SDK update.
1.4.0 UploadFiles: Task now returns an object instead of List. Added debug log of the transfer as a property to result object.
1.4.1 UploadFiles: Throw custom exception if upload fails to provide debug log in the exception.
1.4.2 DownloadTask, UploadTask: Bug fix for "Options delete source file not working"
1.4.3 DownloadTask: Changed the way the Task handles downloaded objects to fix blank PDF files.