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Verification of the Deposit Smart Contract in Dafny

This repository contains the implementation and the formal proof of the Deposit Smart Contract algorithm.

If you are interested in the details you may also look at this experience report or watch a presentation (Ethereum Engineering Group meet-up) of this work.

Deposit Smart Contract in Dafny Deposit Smart Contract in Dafny

Breakdown of our results

The source code in this repository is the first complete formal proof of correctness of the incremental Merkle tree algorithm used in the Deposit Smart Contract. The proofs are designed for an arbitrary attribute of type T to be computed on a tree (not restricted to a hash function). The height of the tree is also parametric and the proof holds for any height.

The proofs and algorithms are written in Dafny, a verification-friendly programming language.

The main contributions of this project are:

  • a formal definition of the correctness criterion,
  • functional specifications of correctness,
  • a fully mechanised proof of correctness (including termination, memory safety and array allocations),
  • verified algorithms for the deposit() and get_deposit_root() and the initialisation init_zero_hashes().

The main findings are:

  • a proof that the initial values in the branch array do not matter (hence there is no need to initialise it),
  • a simplified version of the deposit() algorithm.

The provably correct simplified version of deposit() is as follows:

method deposit(v : int) 
    requires deposit_count < power2(TREE_HEIGHT) - 1 
    var root := v;
    var size : nat := deposit_count;
    var i : nat := 0;
    while size % 2 == 1 {
        root := hash(branch[i], root);
        size := size / 2;
        i := i + 1;
    //  i is guaranteed to satisfy 0 <= i < TREE_HEIGHT 
    //  This ensures the absence of out of bounds error in the following update 
    branch[i] := root;
    deposit_count := deposit_count + 1;

Alternatively deposit_count can be incremented at the beginning and in that case the while loop condition is negated size % 2 == 0.

Note that our proofs include memory safety and we have verified that:

  1. arrays (branch and zero_hashes) are properly referenced,
  2. there is no side-effects on zero_hashes when updating an element in branch,

We have also proved the zero_hashes initialisation algorithm.

The memory safety proofs use Dafny dynamic framing features and the {:autocontracts} annotation for the deposit contract class.

The Dafny code for deposit() (proof and algorithm) can be found here.


Most of the code in this repository pertains to the correctness proofs of the algorithms. The proof code is a Dafny program but does not need to be executable (e.g. we use function or lemma to write the proofs rather method or function method to write executable code). The core algorithms for the incremental Merkle tree algorithms (imperative and functional styles) are very short (see the algorithms directory Statistics).

The Deposit Smart Contract code and its correctness proof in DepositSmart.dfy relies on several auxiliary proofs with functions and lemmas. The code for these proofs has not been optimised and some of the hints provided in the proof code are not necessary for Dafny to prove the results.

The proof of the algorithm follows a principled approach to algorithm design:

  • some key properties of the problem are identified,
  • a logical correctness criterion is defined using Merkle trees,
  • functional style algorithms are designed and proved correct with respect to the correctness criterion,
  • the imperative versions (with while loops) are proved correct by showing that they compute the same result as the functional algorithms,
  • memory safety (and dynamic array allocation) is addressed using dynamic framing supported by Dafny,

This technique has the advantage of highlighting the main steps of the proof:

  • the incremental Merkle tree efficient algorithm is an instance of dynamic programming,
  • the correctness proofs are provided on the functional style versions first. It is easier to prove correctness on the side-effect free algorithms. The final step of proving that the imperative versions of the algorithms are correct boils down to proving that they compute the same result as their functional counter-parts and is somehow detached from the intricacy of the correctness proofs.

Problem Statement and Proof

The following sections may help the reader understand the idea of the proof and how it is implemented in Dafny:

Repeatability of Results

We provide a Docker container to run the verification with Dafny.

All the files can be checked using the following command assuming dafny is the Dafny executable:

dafny /dafnyVerify:1 /compile:0 /tracePOs /traceTimes /noCheating:1 file.dfy

The /noCheating:1 ensures that assume statements (if any) are treated as untrusted and processed by the verifier as claim to prove rather than assume, i.e. they are replaced by assert.

The time it takes to verify the proofs depend on the computer, and OS. As a result it may happen that the analysis is inconclusive (times out) with the Dafny default command line flags. We provide a shell script that runs the verification for each directory/file with dafny command line arguments that should be suitable for the analysis to run to completion (see check the proofs).

To install and run the full verification you may refer to the following:

Supplementary Material

The following resources provide a high-level picture of the code: