A lightweight User-Agent string parser.
Library ported to ActionScript 3.0 from faisalman/ua-parser-js.
This AS3 library is meant to be used in the context of Redtamarin or other utilities like as3shebang.
We do not have yet a package manager for Redtamarin, so you will have to install "by hand" (eg. copy the right file at the right place).
ABC library
var uaparserlib:* = Domain.currentDomain.load( "uaparserlib.abc" );
trace( uaparserlib + " loaded" ); //optional
import libraries.uaparser.*;
//use any public definitions of the uaparser library
Copy uaparserlib/src
to your current AS3 project path.
In your main AS3 file
include "uaparserlib.as";
import libraries.uaparser.*;
//use any public definitions of the uaparser library
import libraries.uaparser.UAParser;
var ua:String = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36";
var obj:* = UAParser( ua );
if( obj.browser.name == "Chrome" )
trace( "found Google Chrome" );
use mainly vanilla js without dependencies,
so it's a perfect example to show how easy it can be to port a JS library to an AS3 library.
Comment out
(function (window, undefined) {
})(typeof window === 'object' ? window : this);
and replace them by
package libraries.uaparser {
comment out
'use strict';
By default, all package definitions are declared internal so you need to define at least one public definition.
in this case
var UAParser = function (uastring, extensions) {
public var UAParser = function (uastring, extensions) {
Edit Browser DOM objects
var ua = uastring || ((window && window.navigator && window.navigator.userAgent) ? window.navigator.userAgent : EMPTY);
var ua = uastring;
Finally, comment out JS export functions/utilities
// Export
// check js environment
if (typeof(exports) !== UNDEF_TYPE) {
// nodejs env
if (typeof module !== UNDEF_TYPE && module.exports) {
exports = module.exports = UAParser;
exports.UAParser = UAParser;
} else {
// requirejs env (optional)
if (typeof(define) === FUNC_TYPE && define.amd) {
define(function () {
return UAParser;
} else {
// browser env
window.UAParser = UAParser;
// jQuery/Zepto specific (optional)
// Note:
// In AMD env the global scope should be kept clean, but jQuery is an exception.
// jQuery always exports to global scope, unless jQuery.noConflict(true) is used,
// and we should catch that.
var $ = window.jQuery || window.Zepto;
if (typeof $ !== UNDEF_TYPE) {
var parser = new UAParser();
$.ua = parser.getResult();
$.ua.get = function() {
return parser.getUA();
$.ua.set = function (uastring) {
var result = parser.getResult();
for (var prop in result) {
$.ua[prop] = result[prop];