Releases: Countly/countly-sdk-android
! Minor breaking change ! User properties will now be automatically saved under the following conditions:
- When an event is recorded
- During an internal timer tick
- Upon flushing the event queue
Added array, List, and JSONArray support to all user-given segmentations. They will support only mutable and immutable versions of the primitive types. Which are:
- String, Integer, int, Boolean, bool, Float, float, Double, double, Long, long
- Keep in mind that the float array will be converted to a double array by the JSONArray
Mitigated an issue where remote config values caching was changing due to a device ID change, but it is not anymore. It is linked to the configuration "enableRemoteConfigValueCaching" now.
Mitigated an issue related to the device ID by creating an internal migration.
Resolved a problem where revoked consents were sent after changes without merging.
Fixed a bug that caused the device ID to be incorrectly set after changes with merging.
Mitigated an issue where, on consent revoke, remote configuration values were cleared, but they are not anymore.
Change device id with merge not reporting session duration anymore.
! Minor breaking change ! Mitigated an issue where internal SDK limits did not apply
Added support for Feedback Widget terms and conditions
Added a new function "setID(newDeviceId)" which internally handles merge/non-merge selection while changing the device ID
Mitigated an issue where the session duration could have been calculated wrongly after a device ID change without merge
Mitigated an issue where a session could have continued after a device ID change without merge
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session is already started, it will not be possible to call "BeginSession" without stopping the previous one
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session has not been started, it will not be possible to call "UpdateSession"
! Minor breaking change ! If a manual session has not been started, it will not be possible to call "EndSession"
! Minor breaking change ! Setting for enabling/disabling for native crash dumps will be always enabled
Added an extended way of crash filtering
Added SDK internal limits configuration interface
Deprecated the following calls from "CountlyConfig":
- "setMaxSegmentationValues(maxSegmentationValues)" instead use "sdkInternalLimits.setMaxSegmentationValues(maxSegmentationValues)"
- "setMaxBreadcrumbCount(maxBreadcrumbCount)" instead use "sdkInternalLimits.setMaxBreadcrumbCount(maxBreadcrumbCount)"
- "setCrashFilterCallback(crashFilterCallback)" instead use "crashes.setGlobalCrashFilterCallback(globalCrashFilterCallback)"
- "enableCrashReporting()" instead use "crashes.enableCrashReporting()"
- "setCustomCrashSegment(crashSegmentation)" instead use "crashes.setCustomCrashSegmentation(crashSegmentation)"
- "setRecordAllThreadsWithCrash()" instead use "crashes.enableRecordAllThreadsWithCrash()"
- "checkForNativeCrashDumps(checkForDumps)", it will be removed in the future, there is no replacement
- Added a new metric for detecting whether or not a device has a hinge
! Minor breaking change ! Tracking of foreground and background reporting for APM is now disabled by default
Added a way to enable tracking of foreground and background reporting for APM
Fixed a bug where sending a local picture with checksum was not possible
Deprecated the following calls from "Apm" interface:
- "triggerBackground"
- "triggerForeground"
Deprecated following functions from "CountlyConfig":
- "setRecordAppStartTime(recordAppStartTime)" instead use "apm.enableAppStartTimeTracking()"
- "setAppStartTimestampOverride(appStartTimestampOverride)" instead use "apm.setAppStartTimestampOverride(appStartTimestampOverride)"
- "enableManualAppLoadedTrigger()" instead use "apm.enableManualAppLoadedTrigger()"
- "enableManualForegroundBackgroundTriggerAPM()" will be deleted in the future
- Mitigated a rare issue related to handling request headers
- Added 'addSegmentationToViewWithID' method for adding segmentation to an ongoing view
- Added 'addSegmentationToViewWithName' method for adding segmentation to an ongoing view
- Mitigated an issue where the device ID was changed after exiting an AB experiment
Added a config method to set a time limit after which the requests would be removed if not sent to the server: 'setRequestDropAgeHours'
Added a call to enroll users to A/B tests when getting a remote config value: 'getValueAndEnroll'
Added a call to enroll users to A/B tests when getting all remote config values: 'getAllValuesAndEnroll'
Adding app version to every request
Fixed crash for SDK34 BroadcastReceivers, now declared broadcast receiver not exported if API is 34 and up.
Mitigated an issue where users could not enroll to an A/B tests if enrollment request has failed
Mitigated an issue where users could not exit from A/B tests if removal request has failed
- Fixed APM bug where automatic foreground, background tracking would track wrong if the SDK was not initialized while the app was not in the foreground
- Adding an additional testing call for retrieving AB test experiment information