This tool allows you to build an electron application that runs a local Ethereum blockchain emulator (Ganache) with a deployed contract. The built application includes user interface to call & send transactions to the contract, view the logs, and switch accounts. *NOTE: This is a Proof-Of-Concept and as such is expected to break.
- Bash 4.5+
- Node.js 12+
- NPM 6+
- Clone this repo.
npm run setup
- Edit
- Contract Name
- Byte code
- Constructor Arguments
Linux: npm run build-linux
Windows: npm run build-windows
Mac: npm run build-mac
!(Not tested)
All: npm run build-all
Built files will be in the /dist directory
This allows you to run the application stack without building the app.
npm run dev
- Wait for React to start...
- In the app "View > Reload"