This is a brief overview on how to update the style guides tech docs. For a more advanced look, you can read the vue styleguidist's docs.
You can find any components in style guides tech docs in the following directory:
You will also find there related markdown files in this directory.
Adding a new component to the technical docs is simple. Simply add your component in the shared component directory.
You can also use the sub-directories to keep the components categorised.
Then give your vue component a name that is prefixed with 'croud':
export default {
name: 'croud-overflow-menu',
You should now be able to see the new components name and a list of props in the technical docs. You can now add some documentation.
It's important that you also document any new components by at the very least adding a description, prop descriptions and an example.
To add a description for your component, just add a Javascript DocBlock comment inside your components script tag.
* A simple overflow menu component
export default {
You should also add descriptions for each of your props. This can be done by adding a Javacript DocBlock comment above each of your prop objects.
export default {
name: 'croud-overflow-menu',
props: {
* Menu item information
options: {
type: Array,
default: [],
* Align menu to left
left: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
* Hide pointer in Dropdown
noPointer: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
You should also add component examples to the tech docs. You can do this by first creating a markdown file:
Then you will need to link to this file from your component by adding the following javascript doc @example comment underneath your components description:
* A simple overflow menu component
* @example ./
export default {
Finally, inside your markdown file, you simply create a new instance of your component and pass through the relevent props:
<croud-overflow-menu :options="[{name: 'copy', method: () => {}}, name: 'export', method: () => {}]"></croud-overflow-menu>
You can also add multiple component examples to the tech docs:
<croud-overflow-menu :options="[{name: 'copy', method: () => {}}, name: 'export', method: () => {}]"></croud-overflow-menu>
<croud-overflow-menu :noPointer="true" :options="[{name: 'copy', method: () => {}]"></croud-overflow-menu>
Since its a markdown file you can also include markdown into this file to better describe or seperate content:
### Icon Listed Items
You can add icons to your menu items by giving your options an icon property.
<croud-overflow-menu :noPointer="true" :options="[{name: 'copy', method: () => {}, icon: 'copy'}]"></croud-overflow-menu>
If you want to add more advanced documentation please read vue styleguidist's docs.