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272 lines (175 loc) · 9.55 KB

Endpoints provided by the python microservice

Overall Tests

GET {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/perform_certification/{testRunID}?d={deviceId}&t={tenantId}

This endpoint shall trigger all tests for a device. Call Certification Endpoint (General)


GET {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/NNN planned for release 2.0

This endpoint will give you all products for a Vendor.

PUT {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/NNN planned for release 2.0

This endpoint will update an existing product managed object.

POST {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/product

This endpoint will create a new product managed object. Body message has to be like:


DELETE {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/product/{{product_id}}?t=tenant_id planned for release 2.0 ???

This endpoint will delete a product, and all its certification run as childAdditions.

Parameter s=true could be used to trigger a single deletion, deleting only the product EXCLUDING the childAdditions.


GET {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects?type=c8y_certification_testSuite

This endpoint will give you all Testsuites

GET {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects?pageSize=1&query=$filter=(type eq 'c8y_certification_testSuite')$orderby=creationTime desc

This endpoint will give you the latest Testsuites

GET {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/testsuite

This endpoint will distribute Testsuite from enterprise tenant to all subtenants that are subscribed for Gateway-Certification microservice.


GET {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects?type=c8y_certification_testRun

This endpoint will give you all Testruns

GET {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects?withTotalPages=true&pageSize=1&currentPage=1&query=$filter=type eq 'c8y_certification_testRun'$orderby=lastUpdated asc

This endpoint will give you all Testruns - ordered by updated

GET {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects?withTotalPages=true&pageSize=10&currentPage=1&query=$filter=(type eq 'c8y_certification_testRun' and name eq '*DIRK*')$orderby=lastUpdated asc

This endpoint will give you all Testruns - with Partial Name

POST {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/test_run

This endpoint will create a new Full Certification Run. Body for the POST request as

    "tenant_id": "tenant_id",                               
    "device_id": "device_id",                               
    "product_id": "product_id"

PUT {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects/{{test_run_id}}

This endpoint will update a certification run

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects/{{test_run_id}}?t=tenant_id planned for release 2.0???

This endpoint will delete a certification run, and all its certificate as childAdditions.

Parameter s=true could be used to trigger a single deletion, deleting only the certification run EXCLUDING the childAdditions.


GET {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects?withTotalPages=true&pageSize=1&currentPage=1&query=$filter=type eq 'c8y_certification_testCertificate'

This endpoint will give you all Testcertificates

GET {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects?withTotalPages=true&pageSize=1&currentPage=1&query=$filter=type eq 'c8y_certification_testCertificate'$orderby=creationTime asc

This endpoint will give you all Testcertificates - ordered by updated

GET {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/

This endpoint will give you all Testcertificates - with Partial Name

GET {{baseUrl}}/service/gateway-certification/test_certificate/{testRunID}?t={tenantID}

This endpoint will generate a test_certificate from test_run ID

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects/{{certificate_id}} planned for release 2.0???

This endpoint will delete a Testcertificate Managed Object, and all its PDF files as childAdditions.

Parameter s=true could be used to trigger a single deletion, deleting only the TestCertificate EXCLUDING the childAdditions.

DELETE {{baseUrl}}/inventory/ planned for release 2.0???

The endpoint will delete a Testcertificate PDF

POST {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects/{{test_run_id}} planned for release 2.0

This endpoint will Revoke a Testcertificates

POST {{baseUrl}}/inventory/managedObjects/{{test_run_id}} planned for release 2.0

This endpoint will expiry a Testcertificates

Endpoints that can use DPP

Provides all necessary certification information to the devicepartnerportal DPP.

Search for Productname and Vendor

should search for Productname and Vendor as output we expect 0 or 1 valid Product to show the certification Logo


GET {{url}}/inventory/managedObjects?pageSize=1&query=$filter=(type eq 'c8y_certification_testCertificate' and product.productName eq '{{product_name}}' and product.vendorName eq '{{vendor_name}}' and certificate.status.code eq 'VALID')$orderby=lastUpdated desc


List of c8y_certification_testCertificate managed objects. If list is empty it means that no certification exists (no certification Logo). If list contains one element it means that this prodcut was certified (certification logo).

GET all device certificates for one Product

should get all device certificates for one Product to present them


GET {{url}}/inventory/managedObjects?withTotalPages=true&pageSize=100&currentPage=1&query=$filter=(type eq 'c8y_certification_testCertificate' and product.productName eq '{{product_name}}' and product.vendorName eq '{{vendor_name}}' and certificate.status.code eq 'VALID')$orderby=lastUpdated desc


List of c8y_certification_testCertificate managed objects of the same product, descending order (newest first). Device information of each certificate object looks as follows:

"device": {
                "c8y_Firmware": {
                    "name": "debian-10.11",
                    "version": "",
                    "url": null
                "c8y_Agent": {
                    "name": "DM Reference Agent",
                    "version": "0.2",
                    "url": "8893a9f33a8c"
                "c8y_Hardware": {
                    "serialNumber": "8893a9f33a8c",
                    "model": "docker",
                    "revision": "1.0"
                "deviceId": "1184255"

!! PDF Link not defined yet !!

GET latest Capabilites for one product where STATUS equals SUCCESSFUL

should get for one product all latest Capabilites which have the STATUS of SUCCESSFUL


GET {{url}}/inventory/managedObjects?pageSize=1&query=$filter=(type eq 'c8y_certification_testCertificate' and product.productName eq '{{product_name}}' and product.vendorName eq '{{vendor_name}}' and certificate.status.code eq 'VALID')$orderby=lastUpdated desc


List of c8y_certification_testCertificate managed objects of a specific product ( 0 or 1). If list contains one entity, to get all SUCCESSFUL capabilties, search for fragment tests.modules and loop through all items. Either the item is type of an container ({"container": true}), then loop again through all modules and check if status equals SUCCESSFUL.


{ "container": true,
  "id": "sendingOperationalData",
  "title": "Sending Operational Data",
  "mandatory": true,
  "modules": [
       "capabilities": [...],
       "id": "operationDataAlarms",
       "title": "Sending Operational Data - Alarms",
       "status": { 
          "code": "SUCCESSFUL"
     }, ... ]

Otherwise, if the item is not type of a container (no fragment container exists), then search straight for status equals SUCCESSFUL.


    "capabilities": [...],
    "id": "deviceLogs",
    "title": "Log File Retrieval",
    "status": {
       "code": "SUCCESSFUL"

GET all products and filter for capabilities

should get all products which meets the selected capabilities but needed for the startpage to limit down the amount of products (Filtering)


GET {{url}}/inventory/managedObjects?withTotalPages=true&pageSize=1000&currentPage=1&query=$filter=(type eq 'c8y_certification_testCertificate' and certificate.status.code eq 'VALID' ) $orderby=lastUpdated desc


List of all c8y_certification_testCertificate managed objects, order by latest updates descending. To filter the list of certificates, go through each tests.modules items and validat for status.code equals SUCCESSFUL. The following table shows the matches between DPP filter name and certificate id:

DPP Filtername Capability
Alarms operationDataAlarms
Child Device Management deviceGateways
Cloud remote access deviceCloudRemoteAccess
Configuration management deviceConfiguration
Device profile deviceProfile
Device shell deviceShell
Events operationDataEvents
Firmware management deviceFirmware
Identity externalId
Location & Tracking deviceLocationAndTracking
Measurements operationDataMeasurements
Mobile deviceMobile
Network configuration deviceNetwork
Remote log retrieval deviceLogs
Restart deviceRestart
Measurement requests measurementRequest
Service monitoring deviceInformation_c8y_RequiredAvailability
Software management managingDeviceSoftware

GET pdf file for explicit product

should get for one product a pdf file (extension of Case 2)