The examples below are compliant with Walutomat API v2 Documentation
To generate an RSA key pair execute the following commands:
$ openssl genrsa -out ./private.key 4096
$ openssl rsa -in ./private.key -pubout -out ./public.key
Once the RSA Key pair is generated, the API KEY can be obtained in your Walutomat account. Make sure to use the public.key.
When the API KEY is generated, copy its value to ./api_key and save the file.
$ dotnet run wallet-balance
$ dotnet run order-create
To withdraw an order, it needs to be created beforehand. Please use the create-order API for that. Once orderId is returned, run the command below:
$ dotnet run order-withdraw {orderId}
$ dotnet run orders-active
"operationAmount":"-1500.00 PLN",
"balanceAfter":"12409.17 PLN",
"value":"John Wick"
"value":"Engestroma 20/4, 60-571 Poznań PL"
"value":"ID 3bdd4079 Przelew z Walutomatu"
"operationAmount":"150.00 PLN",
"balanceAfter":"13909.17 PLN",
"value":"John Doe"
"value":"Kochanowskiego 13, 02-152 Warszawa PL"
"value":"ID 0616b0f8 Przelew od John Wick (via"
"operationAmount":"-150.00 PLN",
"balanceAfter":"13759.17 PLN",
"value":"John Doe"
"value":"Kochanowskiego 13, 02-152 Warszawa PL"
"value":"ID 0616b0f8 Przelew od John Wick (via"
"operationAmount":"-1090.83 PLN",
"balanceAfter":"13909.17 PLN",
"value":"250.00 EUR"
"operationAmount":"-0.50 EUR",
"balanceAfter":"250.00 EUR",
"value":"250.00 EUR"
"operationAmount":"250.50 EUR",
"balanceAfter":"250.50 EUR",
"value":"250.00 EUR"
"operationAmount":"15000.00 PLN",
"balanceAfter":"15000.00 PLN",