Create / prepare your cart
a. Ensure your cart locale is set
NOTE: : If the cart has multiple shipping methods, the shipping address of the first available shipping method applied to the cart will be used to process the payment
Create a Commercetools payment (https://docs.commercetools.com/api/projects/payments) and populate the following
Property Value Required Notes customer Reference to Commercetools customer See notes Required for non-guest checkout. If using MyPayments API this will automatically be set to the logged in customer. One of customer or anonymousId must be populated anonymousId Id for tracking guest checkout See notes Required for guest checkout. If using MyPayments API this will automatically be set. One of customer or anonymousId must be populated amountPlanned Amount to be processed Yes Should match cart gross total, unless split payments are being used paymentMethodInfo.paymentInterface Cybersource Yes paymentMethodInfo.method applePay Yes custom.type.key isv_payment_data Yes custom.fields.isv_token Apple Pay payment data Yes Obtain the base64encode value for payment token field on a successful payment authorized event for Apple Pay custom.fields.isv_deviceFingerprintId Customer device fingerprint Id No Refer Device Fingerprinting to generate this value custom.fields.isv_customerIpAddress Customer IP address Yes Populated from client-side libraries custom.fields.isv_merchantId Merchant Id used for the transaction No Required when you want to support Multi-Mid functionality. Populate this field with the value of merchant Id in which the transaction should happen. When this field is empty, default mid configuration will be considered for the transaction. The same mid will be used for the follow-on transactions. -
You can optionally obtain the session data for Web integration to pass the merchant session object to your Apple Pay session’s completeMerchantValidation method by creating a payment with the following
Note that you can skip this step for Native App integration
a. Create a Commercetools payment (https://docs.commercetools.com/api/projects/payments) and populate the following
Property Value Required Notes customer Reference to Commercetools customer See notes Required for non-guest checkout. If using MyPayments API this will automatically be set to the logged in customer. One of customer or anonymousId must be populated anonymousId Id for tracking guest checkout See notes Required for guest checkout. If using MyPayments API this will automatically be set. One of customer or anonymousId must be populated paymentMethodInfo.paymentInterface Cybersource Yes paymentMethodInfo.method applePay Yes amountPlanned Amount to be processed Yes Should match cart gross total, unless split payments are being used custom.type.key isv_payment_data Yes custom.fields.isv_applePayValidationUrl Apple Pay validation URL Yes Pass the URL obtained from the event’s validationURL property of onvalidatemerchant function. See Providing Merchant Validation for information. custom.fields.isv_applePayDisplayName Name to be displayed on Apple Pay payment sheet Yes custom.fields.isv_merchantId Merchant Id used for the transaction No Required when you want to support Multi-Mid functionality. Populate this field with the value of merchant Id in which the transaction should happen. When this field is empty, default mid configuration will be considered for the transaction. The same mid will be used for the follow-on transactions. b. Verify the
has data from the update response. If the data exists, pass the merchant session object to your Apple Pay session’s completeMerchantValidation method. You can use the merchant session object a single time. It expires five minutes after it is created, see Providing Merchant Validation, else throw error to the customer.c. Update the Commercetools payment (https://docs.commercetools.com/api/projects/payments) and populate the following
Property Value Required Notes custom.fields.isv_token Apple Pay payment data Yes Obtain the base64encode value of payment token field on a successful payment processing event for Apple Pay custom.fields.isv_deviceFingerprintId Customer device fingerprint Id No Refer Device Fingerprinting to generate this value custom.fields.isv_customerIpAddress Customer IP address Yes Populated from client-side libraries custom.fields.isv_saleEnabled false Yes Set the value to true if sale is enabled custom.fields.isv_walletType Wallet type No This value is required if walletType is to be passed in authorization. Refer Cybersource Processing a Payment for more information about the wallet type value to be passed. It is supported only for ApplePay, ClicktoPay and GooglePay payment methods custom.fields.isv_shippingMethod Shipping method for the order No Possible values: -
: Lowest-cost service sameday
: Courier or same-day serviceoneday
: Next-day or overnight servicetwoday
: Two-day servicethreeday
: Three-day service.-
: Store pick-up -
: Other shipping method -
: No shipping method because product is a service or subscription
custom.fields.isv_metadata Metadata for the order No This field can be used to send additional custom data as part of the authorization request. The data should be serialized into a string format (e.g., JSON string) before passing it in the request.
Example:"isv_metadata": "{"1":"value1", "2":"value2"}" -
Add the payment to the cart
Add a transaction to the payment
If only Authorization is required, populate the following fields to the payment
Property Value Notes type Authorization state Initial amount Amount to be processed Should match amountPlanned on payment If Sale is enabled, populate the following fields to the payment
Property Value Notes type Charge state Initial amount Amount to be processed Should match amountPlanned on payment -
Verify the payment state and convey the payment result to the customer
a. If the transaction is successful, transaction state will be updated to Success, display the order confirmation page
b. If the state of transaction is updated to Pending which is due to Fraud Check, display the order confirmation page
c. If the state of transaction is updated to Failure, display the error page and See Overview#Errorhandling for handling errors or failures