func main(){
//code goes here...
- Basic variable declarations with direct value
/* ':' is used to free up '=' for conditional statements */
x : 10; //integer (implicit definition)
float y : 12.345 * 3.1415; //float (explicit definition)
- Printing (Although String concatenation is unavailable)
println("Hello, World!");
println(x); //printing of variable values
print("Hello ");
print("World."); //print() also added
print_err("Error!"); //function for System.err.println() also added
println(); //println(void) also supported
print_err(); // same for print_err()
// print(void) is unnecessary and hence unsupported (it also throws NoSuchMethodError BTW).
- Arithmetics
x : 12 * 24 + (7 - 1);
- Basic conditionals with one condition (
statement doesn't work yet...)
x : 10;
x = 10 ? println("ten");
- Ranged for loop
/*If loop variable is not declared, Cylvre will implicitly declare it*/
for x (0 to ten) println(x);
- Autocasting for variables
- Curly braces can be omitted for loops and conditionals if only one statement is present (excluding functions).
- Fields (although nothing else will be generated if you use fields (Cause yet to be known). For more info refer this issue.)
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