This is my personal website with some school projects and a collection of single-page tools I've made. Most of these tools are written in Brython, a Python 3 implementation for the front end. Here are a list of the tools, ordered alphabetically:
- edugameconvert.html - Converts questions between Kahoot, Quizizz, and Blooket games
- hc-roadsign-sticker - Generates road sign stickers/images with nearby highway and transit information
- pohai.html - A tool for generating 铁路畅行码 (China Railway QR codes) given the trainset number and seat
- sjrmenu.html - Parses the PDF menu and displays it in point form
- wrplusplus.html - A wrapper around WordReference dictionaries which implements cached autocomplete and a kayboard-focused interface
- youtube_search_en.html - A wrapper around a YouTube embed which implements search and a local playlist