Releases: DCS-Skunkworks/dcs-bios
Util.lua correction
+F-14B - Added Rio Warning indicator Lights (Still Lights and Gauges missing)
+Util.lua - Removed entry that makes DCS-BIOS logfiles way to Big
*Testers needed for: F-14B, MB-339PAN, MiG-15Bis, MiG-19P, Christen Eagle II, Yak-52, socat Versions
~F-14B is WIP
Mig-19P Gear Lights corrected
+F-14B - Finished Switches (but still WIP: Gauges & Lights missing)
+Mig-19P - fixed Typo in Gear lights. Now Lights for UP and DOWN
*Testers needed for: F-14B, MB-339PAN, MiG-15Bis, MiG-19P, Christen Eagle II, Yak-52, socat Versions
~F-14B is WIP
#Reupload because File was Corrupt#
F-14 WIP Pre-Release
+F-14B - still Wip (RIO cockpit, Gauges,... missing, but good enough to test an play with)
+C-101 - with Commondata added (BIOS-File comes after the Tomcat)
+UTIL.lua - New Log Entrys
+A-10C - added function for setting UHF Frequency
+Start.html - After the Website is down, in the Doc Folder are all infos from the Page.
*Testers needed for: F-14B, MB-339PAN, MiG-15Bis, MiG-19P, Christen Eagle II, Yak-52, socat Versions
~F-14B is WIP
MiG-19P finished
+MiG-15Bis - Corrections
+MiG-19P - Finished
+M-2000C - HSI VAD selector correction
+A4-E - Additions from update 1.3
+socat update 32/64 bit
+F-14B - Added, but WIP (lot of gauges and switches missing)
+Mods - added VSN_F-104, MIG-23UB Project
*Testers needed for: F-14B, MB-339PAN, MiG-15Bis, MiG-19P, Christen Eagle II, Yak-52, socat Versions
~F-14B is WIP
Add Tomcat, Internals
+MiG-15Bis - Corrections
+M-2000C - HSI VAD selector correction
+A4-E - Additions from update 1.3
+socat update to 32/64 bit
+F-14B - Added
+Mods - added VSN_F-104
*Testers needed for: MB-339PAN, MiG-15Bis, MiG-19P, Christen Eagle II, Yak-52, socat Versions
~MiG-19P is WIP
~F-14B is very early WIP
YAK-52 Finished
+Yak-52 - finished
+UH-1H - Add Countermeasures Display
+F-5E-3 - Add Countermeasures Display
+M-2000C - Fix for Common Data
+MB-339PAN - Fixes of some Arguments
+MiG-19P - Added/Development started
+More Su-30 Mods
*Testers needed for: MB-339PAN, Mig-15, MiG-19P, Christen Eagle II, Yak-52
~MiG-19P is WIP
AV8BNA, M2000C fixes
+AV8BNA fix for A/G Light
+M2000C fix for VOR/ILS Frequency Change Whole Knob
+Add Mod support (FC3 Level) for: Upuaut’s Bell-47G, Mirage F.1, SU-30 FAMILY PROJECT
+Yak-52 some new Switches
*Testers needed for: MB-339PAN, Mig-15, Christen Eagle II, Yak-52
~Yak-52 is WIP (only a few switches and gauges work)
AV8BNA finished, Mod support
+AV8BNA finished - add of Warning/Indicator Lights and Gauges
+Add Mod support (FC3 Level) for: all VSN Mods, PAK-FA Project, Civil Aircraft Mod
+UH-1H - Fixed Radar Altitude Display
+Intenal cleanup
*Testers needed for: MB-339PAN, Mig-15, Christen Eagle II, Yak-52
~Yak-52 is WIP (only a few switches and gauges work)
Christen Eagle II added
+add support for Christen Eagle II
+VSN Eurofighter for Common Data support
*Testers needed for: MB-339PAN, Mig-15, Christen Eagle II
~Yak-52 is WIP (only a few gauges work)
~AV8BNA is WIP - add some Warning/ indicator lights more to come
A-4E, MB-339PAN finished
*A-4E finished by Dehuman (bug tread here:
*MB-339PAN finished
*some cleanup in the Module files
*MB-339PAN and Mig-15 need Testers
*Christen Eagle II planed