- Bonus Score finalization
- Improved Hbbft "No Session Exists" handling: #150
- Lock overhead reduction for validator actions
- Connect & Disconnect Report management: fixed double sending of reports: #157
- Stage 3 Verification: Fixed State Pruning related error. #161
- Added Network and DevP2P related Information to the Prometheus Metrics: #163
- Early Epoch End: Treat any HBBFT Message as being a responsive partner node: #87
- [Nodes that are not a active validator seem to try to send connectivity reports] (#153)
- [Early Epoch End: only report disconnectivities that exist for longer than 60 Minutes] (#87)
- [Improved Logging for Hbbft Session Management] (#150)
- [Fixed: is major syncing information is wrong.] (#73)
- [Improvements for HBBFT Message Tracking] (DMDcoin/openethereum-3.x#17)
[Autoshutdown after a period without block import] #78
Those examples show how to confige the node to activate this feature, restarting the node if no block import has been detected for 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
to activate feature via CLI Arg:
or in node.toml node.toml:
shutdown_on_missing_block_import = 1800
- [FIXED: pruning as root cause for stage 3 errors] #68
- Start of Alpha 2 Testnet
- Improved Stability
- Feature preparation for Hbbft Block Reward support
Hotfix Release
- removed deadlock detection from default config
- added missing categorisation from hbbft_message_memorium
- increased sleeping timer for hbbft_message_memoriumto increase performance, since we often have messages that can't be processed.
- client Software now known as diamond-node
- deadlock on locking HBBFT State after receiving Agreements
- Write random number fork block
- provide hbbft data by via Prometheus Interface
- Prometheus logging can result in a deadlock
- Nonce problem with announce availability and setting IP address
- hbbft automatic reserved peers management
- Automatic shutdown on validator candidate unavailability
- Merge final set of changes
- hardware specific optimizations
- Unexpected IO error: Invalid argument (os error 22)
- replace json formatter for HBBFT Messages
- transaction subset contribution
- check_for_epoch_change() called to often (performance)
Increased availability of nodes.
Merge with OpenEthereum 3.3.4.
- Merge with OpenEthereum 3.3.4. Including all changes from 3.2.5 up to 3.3.4 from open ethereum
- Key Gen Transactions not broadcasted
Performance and stability improvement for active validator nodes.
Mandatory upgrade that switches to hbbft protocol version 2
- block proposals with invalid transactions lead to 0-tx-Blocks (DMDcoin/openethereum-3.x#58)
- configure skipped block reward calls (DMDcoin/openethereum-3.x#49)
- configure skipped block reward calls (DMDcoin/openethereum-3.x#49)
- Key Generation Round Counter Fixes:
- Fixed stage 5 syncing error
- Support for POSDAO contract hardfork (#633)
- Update rpc server (#619)
- Support for POSDAO contract hardfork (#633)
- Update rpc server (#619)
- EIP-712: Update logos and rewrite type parser (now builds on Rust 1.58.1) (#463)
- Handling of incoming transactions with maxFeePerGas lower than current baseFee (#604)
- Update transaction replacement (#607)
- Implement eip-3607 (#593)
Bug fixes:
- Add type field for legacy transactions in RPC calls (#580)
- Makes eth_mining to return False if not is not allowed to seal (#581)
- Made nodes data concatenate as RLP sequences instead of bytes (#598)
- London hardfork block: Sokol (24114400)
Bug fixes:
- Fix for maxPriorityFeePerGas overflow
- Add eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas implementation (#570)
- Add a bootnode for Kovan
Bug fixes:
- Fix for modexp overflow in debug mode (#578)
- Add
spec option to be able to enable additional checking of zero gas price transactions by block verifier
- Revert eip1559BaseFeeMinValue activation on xDai at London hardfork block
- Add eip1559BaseFeeMinValue and eip1559BaseFeeMinValueTransition spec options
- Activate eip1559BaseFeeMinValue on xDai at London hardfork block (19040000), set it to 20 GWei
- Activate eip1559BaseFeeMinValue on POA Core at block 24199500 (November 8, 2021), set it to 10 GWei
- Delay difficulty bomb to June 2022 for Ethereum Mainnet (EIP-4345)
- London hardfork block: POA Core (24090200)
- London hardfork block: xDai (19040000)
Bug fixes:
- Ignore GetNodeData requests only for non-AuRa chains
- Add eip1559FeeCollector and eip1559FeeCollectorTransition spec options
Bug fixes:
- Add service transactions support for EIP-1559
- Fix MinGasPrice config option for POSDAO and EIP-1559
- min_gas_price becomes min_effective_priority_fee
- added version 4 for TxPermission contract
Bug fixes:
- Ignore GetNodeData requests (#519)
Bug fixes:
- GetPooledTransactions is sent in invalid form (wrong packet id)
- London hardfork block: kovan (26741100) (#502)
- London hardfork block: mainnet (12,965,000) (#475)
- Support for eth/66 protocol version (#465)
- Bump ethereum/tests to v9.0.3
- Add eth_feeHistory
Bug fixes:
- GetNodeData from eth63 is missing (#466)
- Effective gas price not omitting (#477)
- London support in openethereum-evm (#479)
- gasPrice is required field for Transaction object (#481)
Bug fixes:
- Add effective_gas_price to eth_getTransactionReceipt #445 (#450)
- Update eth_gasPrice to support EIP-1559 #449 (#458)
- eth_estimateGas returns "Requires higher than upper limit of X" after London Ropsten Hard Fork #459 (#460)
- EIP-1559: Fee market change for ETH 1.0 chain
- EIP-3198: BASEFEE opcode
- EIP-3529: Reduction in gas refunds
- EIP-3541: Reject new contracts starting with the 0xEF byte
- Delay difficulty bomb to December 2021 (EIP-3554)
- London hardfork blocks: goerli (5,062,605), rinkeby (8,897,988), ropsten (10,499,401)
- Add chainspecs for aleut and baikal
- Bump ethereum/tests to v9.0.2
- Berlin hardfork blocks: poacore (21,364,900), poasokol (21,050,600)
Bug fixes:
- Backport: Block sync stopped without any errors. #277 (#286)
- Strict memory order (#306)
- Executable queue for ancient blocks inclusion (#208)
- Backport AuRa commits for xdai (#330)
- Add Nethermind to clients that accept service transactions (#324)
- Implement the filter argument in parity_pendingTransactions (#295)
- Ethereum-types and various libs upgraded (#315)
- [evmbin] Omit storage output, now for std-json (#311)
- Freeze pruning while creating snapshot (#205)
- AuRa multi block reward (#290)
- Improved metrics. DB read/write. prometheus prefix config (#240)
- Send RLPx auth in EIP-8 format (#287)
- rpc module reverted for RPC JSON api (#284)
- Revert "Remove eth/63 protocol version (#252)"
- Support for eth/65 protocol version (#366)
- Berlin hardfork blocks: kovan (24,770,900), xdai (16,101,500)
- Bump ethereum/tests to v8.0.3
- Upgrade docker alpine to
. for rustv1.47
. - Send SIGTERM instead of SIGHUP to OE daemon (#317)
- Fix for Typed transaction broadcast.
- Hotfix for berlin consensus error.
Bug fixes:
- Backport: Block sync stopped without any errors. #277 (#286)
- Strict memory order (#306)
- Executable queue for ancient blocks inclusion (#208)
- Backport AuRa commits for xdai (#330)
- Add Nethermind to clients that accept service transactions (#324)
- Implement the filter argument in parity_pendingTransactions (#295)
- Ethereum-types and various libs upgraded (#315)
- Bump ethereum/tests to v8.0.2
- [evmbin] Omit storage output, now for std-json (#311)
- Freeze pruning while creating snapshot (#205)
- AuRa multi block reward (#290)
- Improved metrics. DB read/write. prometheus prefix config (#240)
- Send RLPx auth in EIP-8 format (#287)
- rpc module reverted for RPC JSON api (#284)
- Revert "Remove eth/63 protocol version (#252)"
- Upgrade docker alpine to
. for rustv1.47
. - Send SIGTERM instead of SIGHUP to OE daemon (#317)
Hot fix issue, related to initial sync:
- Initial sync gets stuck. (#318)
Bug fixes:
- Update EWF's chains with Istanbul transition block numbers (#11482) (#254)
- fix Supplied instant is later than self (#169)
- ethcore/snapshot: fix double-lock in Service::feed_chunk (#289)
- Berlin hardfork blocks: mainnet (12,244,000), goerli (4,460,644), rinkeby (8,290,928) and ropsten (9,812,189)
- yolo3x spec (#241)
- EIP-2930 RPC support
- Remove eth/63 protocol version (#252)
- Snapshot manifest block added to prometheus (#232)
- EIP-1898: Allow default block parameter to be blockHash
- Change ProtocolId to U64
- Update ethereum/tests