- TODO VPO: describe legacy
The erosiekaart, the product initialising SAGA-WaTEM was initially developed at KU Leuven, by members of the current Geography and Tourism Research Division of the Department Earth and Environmental Sciences, formerly the Laboratory for Experimental Geomorphology.
Main developer was Gert Verstraeten, ???
Since 2016, updates to the code and the maintenance of the Github SAGA-WaTEM site is now mostly done by Fluves and funded by Departement Omgeving
The contributors of Fluves and Departement Omgeving are Johan Van de Wauw, Daan Renders, Sacha Gobeyn, Seth Callewaert and Jarne Amerlinck. The supervision and coordination of the developments is done by Petra Deproost (Departement Omgeving). Model developments by Fluves are scientifically supported by KU Leuven.
When using SAGA-WaTEM, reference should be provided to the current model code on GitHub and to the following publications:
The code can be cited as