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workspace API
Workspace contains variables that you use in current script session. These variables are stored as long as workspace exists. You can work with workspace variables in scripts: To place a variable in a workspace, you do not need to declare it.
foo = "bar"
println foo // bar
Also, there is a second way to do this: Set variable as property of workspace
workspace.baz = "qux"; set property of workspace
workspace.setProperty("answer",42) // a similar effect
println baz // qux
println answer // 42
println workspace.baz // qux
println workspace.getProperty("answer") // 42
This way also allows you to set variables in another workspace. Remove variable:
workspace.removeProperty("foo") // since v1.1.2
Global variables available in all scripts, even in the different workspace environment. To set the value of a variable, you must set a property of the global object
global.perfectLocation = world[100,80,200]
// now perfectLocation awailable for all players and all scripts
me >> perfectLocation // teleport you to location world:100:80:200
me >> global.perfectLocation // similar
Workspace variables has a higher priority. Example:
workspace.t = "In workspace"
global.t = "In global"
println t // in workspace
println workspace.t // in workspace
println global.t // in global
Bukkit event registration system is not suitable for scripting. Workspace API allows you to register listeners anywhere and easy:
def blockListener = workspace.listen { BlockBreakEvent event ->
// - listener code here -
or so:
def blockListener = workspace.listen(BlockBreakEvent) { event ->
// - listener code here -
When you specify an event handler, you can reference to method:
void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent event) {
// - event handler here -
def blockListener = workspace.listen( this.&onBlockBreak )
You can register events with parameters priority:EventPriority and ignoreCancelled:boolean. This parameters is optional.
workspace.listen(EventPriority.LOWEST,true){ PlayerInteractEvent event ->
// - listener code here -
workspace.listen(PlayerInteractEvent,EventPriority.LOWEST,true){ event ->
// - listener code here -
You can stop the listener in any time:
blockListener.stop() // true on success
and check listener state:
blockListener.stopped // true if listener is stopped
you can omit the workspace parameter. Listener will be registered in current workspace
listener = listen (PlayerChatEvent) { /* ... */ }
Workspace can schedule a tasks better than BukkitScheduler. In fact, it just adds syntactic sugar.
def timer = workspace.timeout(500) {
// elapsed 500 ticks
def timer2 = workspace.timeout(500, false) {
// elapsed 500 ticks, run asynchronously
run repeating task:
def interval = workspace.interval(100) {
// run every 100 ticks
def interval2 = workspace.interval(100, 50) {
// run every 10 ticks, first delay is 50 ticks
def interval3 = workspace.interval(100, 50, false) {
// run ... asynchronously
timers stops automatically after execution. stop repeating task or forcibly stop timer:
timer.stop() // true on success
timer.stopped // check state
You can use iteration variable in intervals:
def interval = workspace.interval(100) { int i ->
// each loop iteration i nincreaced by 1. Starting value is 0.
Or someone interesting: pass this interval into closure
workspace.interval(100) { int i, def interval ->
// do sonething with i
if (i >= 5) interval.stop()
You can hook into the process of stopping the workspace:
def hook = workspace.stopHook {
println "OH NO! Workspace is stopped"
this code will be executed when workspace is stopped:
- by commands /workspace stop, /workspace remove, /workspace reload
- on disable plugin
- on shutdown server If you no longer need this path, you can stop it:
hook.stopped // check state
hook.stop() // stop it
Workspace can dynamically register command executors
// set name, description, usage and aliases
commandTest = workspace.command("Test","1st test","Usage: /test",[]) {
CommandSender sender, List<String> args ->
sender.sendMessage "This is a 1st test command. Enjoy! Arguments: $args"
return true
commandTest2 = workspace.command(
name: "Test2", // required
description: "Second test command", // optional
usage: "Usage: /test2 ...args", // optional
aliases: ["t2"], // optional
handler: { CommandSender sender, List<String> args, String command ->
if (!arguments) return false;
sender.sendMessage "2nd test command. Arguments: $args"
return true;
} /* required */
Remove created commands:
Workspace allows you to create a generator which can work with listeners, timers and hooks too, as workspace:
def generator = workspace.generator()
generator.interval(100) { /* do something */ }
generator.listen(PlayerChatEvent) { /* do something */ }
It's great that you can stop all tasks created by generator:
generator stops automatically when workspace is stopped. You can create a generators chain of any length.
Get all working workspaces:
global.getWorkspaces() // returns Workspace[]
Get workspace by name:
global.getWorkspace("CityTeleporter") // returns Workspace or null
Create a new workspace:
global.getOrCreateWorkspace("CityTeleporter") // returns Workspace
Remove workspace: