Model builder written in python for building YCTech C++ Core .h, .cc, .java and its JNI files.
python lesschat-model-description.xml
group name should be "user_group".
class name should be "UserGroup".
variable name should be all lower cases with underscore. There are some attributes you must set in variable:
- name
- type : can be 'string', 'bool', 'int', '[string]', 'time' or 'enum', iff you specify the type is enum, you should add "enum" attribute to declare the enum class.
- json_path (eg: 'data/uid'), if the attribute does not have json mapping, you should set an empty string rather than leaving blank (eg: '').
- [maybe] enum : only affects when type='enum'
- [maybe] sql_flag can be 'primary_key'
- [maybe] json_search_path : if the attribute is '[string]', you can use json_search_path to find the key inside array objects.
- [maybe] readonly : if the value is true, the setter will not generate
- [maybe] override_sql_key : will override the sql key in C++ manager file (there are only very limited cases you will use this attribute, like variable name is SQL key word (eg: from, to))
enum name should be 'Role' (the first letter is upper case), alias should be ALL_UPPER_CASE.
manager name should be 'UserManager' (CRUD)
- supports "singular"(SaveObjectToCache) and "plural"(SaveObjectsToCache)
- supports "singular"(FetchObjectFromCache) , "plural"(FetchObjectsFromCache) , "by" (FetchObjectFromCacheById), "sort" (means sort by key name) and "desc" (default is ascending, if you set desc='true', will sort as decending).
- supports "singular"(DeleteObjectFromCache) and "plural"(DeleteObjectsFromCache) and "by" (DeleteObjectFromCacheById)
- is not supported in version 1.0
- WARNING: DO NOT use '[string]' variable as "by" filter
- Since 4.2, you can also use and without "singular" or "plural" to describe the singular style or plural style you are using. (The new style is recomanded in new development)
- Sometimes we find we need to use two tables to seperate objects and list of objects storage, so we introduce "tables" attribute to solve the problem, its grammer is , the builder will then genearate the methods for my_tasks_tb_ and tasks_tb_.
- Due to new "tables" attribute supported, to rename the save, delete, fetch methods, we introduce "alias" (eg: <saves alias='SaveMyTasksToCache'), the builder will use the alias name as method name, default parameters and return values as it once was.
- Since 3.0, you can use model-builder to generate WebApi and cache methods by using :
- name : Name of WebApi
- alias : Name of same Api in manager
- method : can be one of "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"
- uri : URI after host, often starts with "/api"
- : You can put here, but there are some additional meanings you should know:
- json_path : Model-builder will use json_path as json11 "ToJson" path
- capture : If you set capture='true', C++ will capture this property in lambda method
- : You can put here to declare vars in callback, but there are some additional meanings you should know:
- json_path : Model-builder will use json_path to call object(s) "InitWithJsonOrDie" method.
- cache : There are 2 kinds of methods you can use, command and define.
- command : eg: saves
- The first component is verb, you can use "save" or "delete" or "fupdate" or their plural words "saves", "deletes"
- The second component is to tell the builder parameters to pass, will use the name if not defined. *WARNING: save: If you use "save" or "saves", this component should leave blank. delete: If you set cache as "delete(task_id)", "this->DeleteTaskFromCacheByTaskId(task_id)" will be generated. fupdate: If you are using "fake update", it will fetch object from cache and set object's property and finally save the updated object to cache. It should be "fupdate:task_id(uid)", :task_id means "FetchTaskFromCacheByTaskId"
- define : There indeed sometimes you cannot find suitable method to call in cache, we provide a tempory ability by introducing , you can refer to "task_module.xml" for details, if you want to use define, you should put pound(#) in front of the define name (eg: #id)
- You can enqueue cache tasks by comma, eg: cache='saves,#some_define'
- command : eg: saves