OSSU thrives because of the changes made by our many contributors. Read on for details on how to help every student that follows you.
If you have non-substantive updates to make to the curriculum, such as a course's URL having been moved, spelling/syntax errors, etc., please send a pull request to fix any mistakes that you have found.
If you have specific and substantive criticisms of the curriculum, i.e. problems related to the progression/content of courses it would be appropriate to open an issue. While it is acceptable to point out problems, all successful changes naturally require a plan for fixing the problem. OSSU’s curricular guidelines are here. Successful critiques of the curriculum will point out ways that OSSU is failing to uphold these guidelines. Examples are:
- OSSU lists a course as required when the course topics are elective in the curricular guide.
- OSSU does not having a course to cover required topics from the curricular guide.
- OSSU lists multiple courses that cover the same topics when fewer courses could suffice.
- OSSU recommends a course to teach a topic, but there exists a higher quality course that covers the same material.
Issues require more than just users to suggest them. Issues require active community members to read and respond to proposals. Even adding simple emoji reactions can help the community.
Learning is enhanced by engaged peers. You can be that peer for someone new to OSSU. When you see a new person posting in Gitter, ask them a question about themselves. When you see a cohort starting at almost the right time, join in. Doing so will make OSSU a stronger program for everyone, including you.
If you want to customize the curriculum for yourself, you are encouraged to fork this project!