This talk combines two of by favourite things: Service Bus and High Availability architectures. We will also cover the other great technologies that Service Bus enables: Event Hubs and Event Grid. And also talk about availability and recovery concepts, single region design, zone-redundant design and multi-region design.
We will define recovery once and for all. What is a "disaster" in 2020? And how can we protect ourselves from it?
This will be a fast-paced, fast-talking, fast-moving talk. So please drop your question in the chat and don't worry - all assets including slides, video and examples will be available after this talk (in this repo).
🎞 Slides: Service_Bus_HA_2020.pdf
📺 Video: ACSUG September 2020 - Azure Service Bus, High Availability and Disaster Recovery (YouTube)
00:00 Welcome, Introduction, Pop quiz
00:05 About Service Bus, Event Hubs, Event Grid
How to choose
Pipes & filters
Event streaming
Event driven
00:15 Definitions:
SLAs, Uptime and Downtime
Failures, Transient & Persistent
Service failure
Zone failure
Region failure
00:25 Service Bus is Highly available
Abandon ship!
Event Grid Geo-DR
Improving availability
Improving recovery
00:35 High availability patterns
Zone-redundant architecture
Multi-region architecture
Active and passive clients
Intelligent client pattern
00:45 Advanced patterns and further reading
Message pump
Filters and Actions
Well Architected
Azure Learn
00:55 Wrap and questions
I use Service Bus, Event Hubs, Event Grid. These are PaaS services.
Good news! They are already Highly Available in a single Region configuration.
Region architecture
What is in a region
OK, but what if the service becomes unavailable?
Handling transient failures: Retry
Persistent service failures: Wait or runbook.
OK, but what about persistent failure? (Cooling failure, Fibre cut)
Good news! Australia East region now supports AZ's. Tick this box, and now the service is resilient to persistent infrastructure failure.
What is an AZ? How does this protect us?
What happens during a Zone failure?
OK, but what if there is an entire Region outage?
Option 1. Wait.
Option 2. Run book.
If RTO is measure in minutes or less, we need multi-region architecture.
Event Grid: Geo-dr
For Event Hubs and Service Bus, we need to get out the whiteboard, and also write some code.
Multi-region architecture
Active/passive client patterns and the intelligent client
Abandon ship! Avoid using a message broker as persistent storage
Message pumps, Filters and Actions
Before we go
Well Architected
Azure Learn