- infos = Information about the simplespeclang plugin is in keys below
- infos/author = Markus Raab elektra@libelektra.org
- infos/licence = BSD
- infos/needs =
- infos/provides = storage
- infos/recommends =
- infos/placements = getstorage setstorage
- infos/status = maintained specific nodep preview experimental difficult unfinished old concept
- infos/metadata =
- infos/description = provides conceptual specification language
See the validation tutorial for introduction. This plugin provides a conceptual simplistic specification language.
It currently supports to specify:
- structure (which keys are allowed)
- enums (which values are allowed)
- multi-enums (by name convention: if name ends with
The plugin demonstrates how simple a configuration specification can be within the Elektra framework. It is conceptual and mainly for educational usage. You can base your plugins
, defaultenum
: used as keywords for enum definitions./keyword/assign
, default=
: used as keywords for assignment.
Configuration within the specification language:
mountpoint <filename>
: defines a file-name forkdb spec-mount
plugins <pluginspec>
: defines list of plugins forkdb spec-mount
First you need to mount the plugin to spec, e.g.:
sudo kdb mount myspec.ssl spec/test simplespeclang
Then you can write your specification (with default keywords):
cat > `kdb file spec/test` << HERE
mountpoint filename.txt
enum key = value1 value2 value3
enum key2 = value1 value2
And finally you need a specification mount, so that all necessary plugins are present:
kdb spec-mount /test
Also make sure that spec
is mounted as global plugin:
kdb global-mount
Then you are only able to write valid keys:
kdb set /test/key value1 # accepted
kdb set /test/key2 value3 # rejected, no value3 for key2
kdb set /test/something else # rejected, no key something