- infos = Information about the yaypeg plugin is in keys below
- infos/author = René Schwaiger sanssecours@me.com
- infos/licence = BSD
- infos/needs = directoryvalue yamlsmith
- infos/provides = storage/yaml
- infos/recommends =
- infos/placements = getstorage
- infos/status = maintained unittest preview experimental unfinished nodoc concept discouraged
- infos/metadata =
- infos/description = This storage plugin uses a PEG based parser to read YAML files
The YAy PEG plugin use a parser based on PEGTL to convert YAML data to Elektra’s KeySet
This plugin requires PEGTL 2.7.1
or later. It does not support PEGTL 3
, which requires C++ 17.
# Mount plugin
sudo kdb mount config.yaml user/tests/yaypeg yaypeg
# Add some values
kdb set user/tests/yaypeg/movements/deadly 'Dull'
kdb set user/tests/yaypeg/movements/deep 'Red'
# Manually add a key
printf 'Rosalía: El#Mal#Querer' >> `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
# List keys
kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg
#> user/tests/yaypeg/Rosalía
#> user/tests/yaypeg/movements/deadly
#> user/tests/yaypeg/movements/deep
# Retrieve a value
kdb get user/tests/yaypeg/Rosalía
#> El#Mal#Querer
# Undo modifications
kdb rm -r user/tests/yaypeg
sudo kdb umount user/tests/yaypeg
# Mount plugin
sudo kdb mount config.yaml user/tests/yaypeg yaypeg
# Manually add some values
printf 'ponies:\n' > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
printf ' - Fluttershy # Yay!\n' >> `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
printf ' - Pinkie Pie\n' >> `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
printf ' - Maud Pie' >> `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
# List array keys
kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg
#> user/tests/yaypeg/ponies
#> user/tests/yaypeg/ponies/#0
#> user/tests/yaypeg/ponies/#1
#> user/tests/yaypeg/ponies/#2
# Retrieve last array entry
kdb get user/tests/yaypeg/ponies/$(kdb getmeta user/tests/yaypeg/ponies array)
#> Maud Pie
# Undo modifications
kdb rm -r user/tests/yaypeg
sudo kdb umount user/tests/yaypeg
# Mount plugin
sudo kdb mount config.yaml user/tests/yaypeg yaypeg
# Manually add a boolean value to the database
printf 'one: true' > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
# Elektra stores boolean values as `0` and `1`
kdb get user/tests/yaypeg/one
#> 1
# Undo modifications to the key database
kdb rm -r user/tests/yaypeg
sudo kdb umount user/tests/yaypeg
# Mount plugin
sudo kdb mount config.yaml user/tests/yaypeg yaypeg
# Manually add syntactically incorrect data
printf 'Fluttershy:\n' > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
printf 'I’d like to be a tree\n' >> `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg` # Incorrect indentation
kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg
# RET: 5
# STDERR: .*config.yaml:2:0: Incomplete document, expected “end of file”.*
# Let us look at the error message more closely.
# Since the location of `config.yaml` depends on the current user and OS,
# we store the text before `config.yaml` as `user/tests/error/prefix`.
kdb set user/tests/error "$(2>&1 kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg)"
kdb set user/tests/error/prefix "$(kdb get user/tests/error | grep 'config.yaml' | head -1 | sed -E 's/(.*)config.yaml.*/\1/')"
# We also store the length of the prefix, so we can remove it from every
# line of the error message.
kdb set user/tests/error/prefix/length "$(kdb get user/tests/error/prefix | wc -c | sed 's/[ ]*//g')"
# Since we only want to look at the “reason” of the error, we
# remove the other part of the error message with `head` and `tail`.
kdb get user/tests/error | tail -n3 | cut -c"$(kdb get user/tests/error/prefix/length)"-
#> config.yaml:2:0: Incomplete document, expected “end of file”
#> I’d like to be a tree
#> ^
# Fix syntax error
printf 'Fluttershy:\n' > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
printf ' I’d like to be a tree\n' >> `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
kdb get user/tests/yaypeg/Fluttershy
#> I’d like to be a tree
# Add double quoted scalar with missing closing quote character
printf '"nothing,nowhere.' > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg
# RET: 5
# STDERR: .*config.yaml:1:17: Missing closing double quote or incorrect value inside flow scalar.*
# Check error messages for other syntax errors
printf '"\ö"' > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg
# RET: 5
# STDERR: .*config.yaml:1:2: Unexpected escape character.*
printf "\"\07\"" > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg
# RET: 5
# STDERR: .*config.yaml:1:1: Missing closing double quote or incorrect value inside flow scalar.*
printf "'Single" > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg
# RET: 5
# STDERR: .*config.yaml:1:7: Missing closing single quote or incorrect value inside flow scalar.*
printf "'\07'" > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
kdb ls user/tests/yaypeg
# RET: 5
# STDERR: .*config.yaml:1:1: Missing closing single quote or incorrect value inside flow scalar.*
# Store syntactically correct data
printf 'dummy' > `kdb file user/tests/yaypeg`
# Undo modifications
kdb rm -r user/tests/error
kdb rm -r user/tests/yaypeg
sudo kdb umount user/tests/yaypeg
The plugin does not support
- block scalars,
- flow collections,
- tags,
- anchors & aliases, and
- multiple documents
While the parser does read comments, the listener does currently not add metakeys for them. This means that comments will be lost, if you modify a key set.
Visualized error messages (containing ^
markers) might not point to the correct error location, if the input contains tabs or unicode characters with a length other than 1