This section provides information about using KCEF in compose desktop applications.
You have to initialize KCEF first, you should do this in an I/O thread, since it will download required packages on first run.
The KCEF.init
method only needs to be called once, but it's thread-safe, that means it not a problem to call it multiple times.
Note Make sure to exclude the
from upstreaming by adding it to the.gitignore
. The downloaded files are platform-specific and therefore differ to each user.
var downloadProgress by remember { mutableStateOf(-1F) }
var initialized by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } // if true, KCEF can be used to create clients, browsers etc
val bundleLocation = System.getProperty("compose.application.resources.dir")?.let { File(it) } ?: File(".")
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { // IO scope recommended but not required
builder = {
installDir(File(bundleLocation, "kcef-bundle")) // recommended, but not necessary
progress {
onDownloading {
downloadProgress = it
// use this if you want to display a download progress for example
onInitialized {
initialized = true
onError = {
// error during initialization
onRestartRequired = {
// all required CEF packages downloaded but the application needs a restart to load them (unlikely to happen)
After initialization finished you can run your app as usual, use the onInitialized progress listener for this.
When the browser or client instance is no longer needed, dispose them to free up resources.
val client = KCef.newClient()
DisposableEffect(Unit) {
onDispose {
When no new browser or client instance is ever needed again during runtime, dispose the whole KCEF object.
DisposableEffect(Unit) {
onDispose {
As mentioned in the README, some platforms need flags to run properly.
Adding them is pretty easy, by just adding them to your compose configuration in your build.gradle.kts
compose.desktop {
application {
// all your other configuration, etc
jvmArgs("--add-opens", "java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED")
jvmArgs("--add-opens", "java.desktop/java.awt.peer=ALL-UNNAMED") // recommended but not necessary
if (System.getProperty("").contains("Mac")) {
jvmArgs("--add-opens", "java.desktop/sun.lwawt=ALL-UNNAMED")
jvmArgs("--add-opens", "java.desktop/sun.lwawt.macosx=ALL-UNNAMED")
As mentioned in the README as well, you have to add ProGuard rules in order for KCEF to work in required build types.
Simply add a ProGuard configuration file to your target platform, for example
and add the following lines:
-keep class org.cef.** { *; }
-keep class kotlinx.coroutines.swing.SwingDispatcherFactory
Then make sure to use this config by adding the following lines to your build.gradle.kts
compose.desktop {
application {
// all your other configuration, etc
buildTypes.release.proguard {