GET /calendar
Returns a random date in 2022.
Request curl 'http://localhost:8080/calendar'
Response {"date":"3/22/2022"}
Retrieve API_KEY from datadoghq, and expose same on Shell
export DD_API_KEY=xx
Bring up java & py services with DD agent. Java service is instrumented with otel, py service is instrumented with datadog
docker compose -f docker-compose-otel-java-dd-py.yaml up
Bring up java & py services with DD agent. Java service is instrumented with dd-trace, py service is instrumented with otel
docker compose -f docker-compose-dd-java-otel-py.yaml up
Bring up two sets of java and py services with DD agent. One set is instrumented with dd-trace, the other set is instrumented with otel
docker compose -f docker-compose-dd-otel-both.yaml up