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50 lines (34 loc) · 1.15 KB

MD034 - Bare URL used

Tags: links, url

Aliases: no-bare-urls

Fixable: Some violations can be fixed by tooling

This rule is triggered whenever a URL or email address appears without surrounding angle brackets:

For more info, visit or email

To fix this, add angle brackets around the URL or email address:

For more info, visit <> or email <>.

Note: To include a bare URL or email without it being converted into a link, wrap it in a code span:

Not a clickable link: ``

Note: The following scenario does not trigger this rule because it could be a shortcut link:


Note: The following syntax triggers this rule because the nested link could be a shortcut link (which takes precedence):

[text [shortcut] text](

To avoid this, escape both inner brackets:

[link \[text\] link](

Rationale: Without angle brackets, a bare URL or email isn't converted into a link by some Markdown parsers.