Python >= 3.6 is required for this package If you have an older version, please consider using pyenv to manage different python versions.
Package can be developed/built with Poetry:
Install poetry, dependencies and activate virtual environment:
curl -sSL | python
Add a following line to your shell specific config file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc):
export PATH="$HOME/.poetry/bin:$PATH"
For more details refer to Poetry documentation
poetry shell
(OPTIONAL) If you prefer to have all dependencies in the same place together with your code, create a virtualenv manually:
virtualenv ./venv --python python3
source ./venv/bin/activate
Troubleshooting: Make sure that your user has full rights to user folder with all subfolders
poetry install
poetry run deepcode --help
CLI can work as command line interface and as imported module. To read more about module mode, see readme docs
- Increment version in pyproject.toml.
- Update changelog
- Build
poetry build
poetry publish
Make sure you have an API KEY in your account Copy your key.
Run tests:
DEEPCODE_API_KEY=<your key> poetry run pytest tests