Pull templates from the repository. Implement ability do add and remove multiple repositories with templates
- filter packages by name or supported package? Delete and use meta only!
- filter packages by name or supported package
- Move templates to the Composer packages.
- PHP-FPM support and Magento PWA support (or describe how to install it).
- Support custom Dockerfiles for services.
- Add command for get template meta information: name, supported packages, services, variables, etc.
- Support Magento EE, B2B, Cloud.
- Fix issue displaying full dockerization or Magento setup command.
- Rename ProcessibleFile to ProcessableFile
- Get command descriptions and short descriptions to generate documentation to keep this information fully consistent and synchronized with the code.
- Create command option and argument registry OR extract all of them into the OptionDefinitionInterface/CommandArgumentInterface to guarantee consistent descriptions and documentation.
- Generate random Magento admin password.