Built and maintained by Ben Goldstone, Valerio Martini and Contributors
Welcome to the Proof-of-Concept for streaming telemetry from Dell Enterprise SONiC-based switches to Prometheus or InfluxDB (utilizing Telegraf). We leverage Grafana for visualizing the data.
This repository is focusing on SONiC-telemetry setup using Telegraf plug-in running on DES SONiC. Telegraf streams data to Prometheus and Grafana is used to make information human-readable. All aspects of this configuration can be customized.
Please read "Procedure" file first, this explains the step-by-step tasks needed.
This repository has been tested with DES SONiC 3.5 and Ubuntu 20.04LTS
We welcome contributions to the project. Please reference the CONTRIBUTING guide in the PoC-Index repo for more details (this guide is common across Dell Networking PoC projects).