So first things first, let's create the content that we are going to use. Underneath the <div class="prototype hidden">...</div>
add the following:
<div class="contact hidden">
<h2>Contact Us</h2>
<strong>Via snailmail</strong>
Prototype, Inc.<br>
1 Prototype Tower<br>
<strong>Via the Interwebs</strong>
<a href="mailto:#"></a>
Now that we have the content we can extend our javascript in app.js
to account for this new block.
/* global $ */
$('#contact, #about').removeClass('active');
$('.contact, .about').addClass('hidden');
$('#prototype, #contact').removeClass('active');
$('.prototype, .contact').addClass('hidden');
$('#prototype, #about').removeClass('active');
$('.about, .prototype').addClass('hidden');
The above code works and fulfils our user stories. We now have a nice working website and our client should be mightily pleased but should we?
Looking at the above code can you see any issues? Take a moment to think about what might be bad practice about the solution we've just implemented.